Chapter 19: Sweet for my sweet

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*Third person's POV*

Yesterday was a blast for Aika, other than Sarah's punch and scolding, Riza constantly glaring at Sarah and Jaica leaving the clinic. Today Aika is resting, Sarah literally yell on her ears saying that she has to rest for the whole day and well, who can resist her cuteness? No one.

"Sarah, I already told you, I'm fine" Aiak said as Sarah keep asking her

"But pumpkin, what if the bandage got open or dirty?" Sarah ask this time worriedly making Aika's heart melt

She's so fucking beautiful

"No, It is perfectly fine"Aika said softly to Sarah and smile

"Hey why are you smiling at me like that??"Sarah ask Aika

"Nothing, come here sit beside me" Sarah did what she was told but instead of sitting beside her she cuddled with Aika

Aika feel her cheeks burning up

"I- uhh just said s-sit beside me, pumpkin " Aika said stuttering

"I want to cuddle with you though, is that wrong? you don't like it??"Sarah ask her eyes watering

"N-no no pumpkin,  I don't like it!! I mean! uhh I kinda uhh like it!! I like it......a lot" Aika stuttered, she's a blushing mess as she look away from Sarah

Sarah smiled at this. Sarah then cuddle closer to Aika, the two cuddled with each other. Aika knew that Sarah do not know what she's doing and she also knows that this is so wrong but she can't help the butterflies inside her.

*Aika's POV* so enchanting. Sarah is cuddling me and I like it....I like it a lot, heck I even love it...I love her but I know I can't because she has a life out there. A life without me in the picture, a life where she has a perfect career and a perfect girlfriend. My thoughts we're cut off when I hear a steady breathing beside me, looking at the angel beside, I can feel myself smiling.

"Ohh Sarah, what a beautiful angel you are, so kind, loving, perfect, you have everything that a woman could ever want and your not hard to love, I...I think I'm one of them you know?? I'm one of those people who can't help but fall for you and why wouldn't I? you....your everything, and I think, I think I love you Sarah.....tsk hahaha what am I even saying? I know for myself that you cannot love me back..never" I softly said as I felt my tears streaming on my cheeks

I gently put my hand on her cheeks and look at her red plump lips.

She wouldn't mind right?? she's asleep and she can't feel it just a little peck would be fine then I would just forget about my feeling for you.

*Third person's POV*

Looking intently at Sarah, Aika then slowly lean in, breathing heavily. Just when she was about to kiss her, Sarah stirred in her sleep resulting for Aika to quickly pull her face away.

"Shit..." Aika said to herself

Looking back at Sarah who is still asleep, she then took a deep breath and started to lean in and this time she will do it.

"come on Aika don't be a chicken, it's just a kiss....a kiss with Sarah" Aika mumbled to herself blushing furiously

*Aika's  POV *

I can do this, I can do this!!

I leaned in closer as I felt her breathing on my face, I the shut my eyes tightly. I didn't know what happen next but the next thing I knew, I felt a soft lips against mine. Shit her lips is so soft and delicious.

After what it seems like hours in heaven, I then pull away and open my eyes looking at a wide awake, grinning Sarah.

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