Chapter 61: The Day before the wedding

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This is Sarah's part.....

*Third person's POV*

To say that she's nervous is an understatement...

She a freaking mess!!

Tomorrow is the wedding and Sarah is not ready!!

Then why did you accept it??

Her inner thoughts said

Ughhh who would have known, holland wanted the wedding to be done soon?! And a honeymoon in the Philippines?! Is she crazy?!

"Fuck....Fuck....Fuck....Fuck...." Sarah said as she keep pacing in her room

"What is your problem?" Amanda ask her best friend


"Nothing? Your feet literally made a mark on the floor because of your pacing" Amanda said chuckling then go to Sarah, hugging her

"Now spill...." Amanda said more like demand

"I...I just feel like I'm making a damn mistake..." Sarah said looking at her

"Ohhh Sarah, it's just like that....but when you finally see her on the altar, you'll forget your worries" Amanda said

"No Amanda, I  just feel like something is a big.. Big one... I feel like I'm forgetting something..." Sarah said looking at the window

"Your dildo?" Amanda joke

"Fuck!!! Amanda!!!!" Sarah cursed as she chased Amanda around the living room

"I was just trying to lighten up the mood" Amanda said

Sarah sigh

Something is really wrong...

She remembered those eyes

Those smiles

Her perfect laugh

Her perfect corny jokes...


"What?" Sarah ask

"Your spacing out again" Amanda said

"Ohh sorry" Sarah said

"None of that right now, now come with me so we could help with the invite, so we could send this" Amanda said dragging Sarah into the table

Sarah and Amanda was almost done when they heard a door bell, Lily came in with flowers, congratulating Sarah and such.

Sarah then look at Lily

She's different, she's more radiant now and smiles more....

Sarah smiled at Lily and took the last invitation card, reading the name.

Aika Black? Holland invited her....???


Aika was having a good chat ( or trying to have a good chat) on the phone with Kathy and Cherry when she heard the doorbell ring.

"Just a sec, someone's at the door" Aika said and walk toward the door

When she opened it, the mailman was there.

"A letter for Ms. Black?" He ask

"Yes, that's me" Aika said and smile at the mail man

She then took the letter...

As Aika open it, she feel her world crumbling.

You are invited.....

That's all she needed to read, as she close it.



"Did you already send the invitation, dear?" Holland ask Sarah on the phone

"Why are we not allowed to see each other before the wedding again?" Sarah ask

"Because it's bad luck" Holland said

"Ughh fine and yes we've already send it" Sarah answered

"How are you? I fucking miss you already" Holland said

"I miss you too" Sarah answered smiling

Time went by and the two called it a night.

Everything is set....


"Are you sure you won't go?" Kathy ask

"Yes, I just can't stand to see her walking through the isle's with someone else" Aika said sadly

"So what's your plan?" Kathy ask

"I already called mom and told that I'll be home tomorrow and already told the pilot that we will go as early as possible" Aika said looking at her passport

"Okay, it's your own choice anyway but I hope your happy with this" Kathy said with a sigh

Aika didn't say anything

Am I happy? No......

"I gotta go and rest, I'm exhausted" Aika said then end the call

Aika was about to sleep when she feel the need to drink something that can numb the pain.

Guess I'm going tonight

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