Chapter 5: A Bloody Surprise

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*Aikas POV*

I then run towards the women and gently clean her face that is full of leaves and blood. as I got a clear look of her face I felt my jaw drop on the ground. its Sarah Catherine Paulson, wha-what is she doing her?? ughh calm down self let's just take her into the cabin and clean her up I said then pick her up in bridal style and almost run towards our cabin.

I then quickly open the door and go upstairs to my room and gently lay her down. I quickly got some warm water and a piece of cloth then start cleaning the blood on her face. Fuck her face is full of bruises and she has a bust lip and a black eye, who the hell did this to her?? my poor Sarah. I then start taking off the cloth that is left on her body and I can feel my cheeks getting red. fuck this is Sarah Paulson, my ultimate crush and idol and I am stripping her naked! ghod this is the dream that I always wanted to come true. I then hesitate but no choice so I gently take her rip blouse off and I am shock of what I saw, her body is full of marks and scars I can also see the marks on her abdomen, it's like shes been tortured.

"don't worry miss Paulson, I will do everything I can to help you "

After an hour I finally clean her up and I am only waiting for her to wake up. Thinking that she will not be waking up for now I then strip my clothes and clean myself. geez this day have been so eventful for me but what did happen to ms. Paulson anyway??

when I was done. I then dried myself and start to change my clothes when my phone rang.

***cherryloves calling***

Me: yes??

C:have you watch the news??

Me:what news are you talking about?

C: about your idol girl, you know ms Sarah Paulson??

Me:ye-yeah what about her??

C:geez girl shes been missing for almost a month now and they only publitize it now because the kidnappers keep sending her family more threats saying that if they publitize it they will kill Ms.Paulson!

Me: what?? uhmmm did the kidnappers was arrested??

C:not yet girl but they are investigating it I guess because until now ms. Paulson is still missing


C:come on don't be sad I'm sure your idol/ultimate crush will be found, safe and sound.

M:thanks cher but I need to go now and do some things okay??

C:okay bye


I then hit the end call button and start pacing around my room. what in the world is she doing here? If what cherry told is true then the kidnappers might be still here looking for her. huh so they've been hiding ms.paulson here in the Philippines? shit what do I do?? ohh ghod the bloody tracks!! they might see it.

I quickly run out of the house but then it suddenly rain. ohhhh they won't be able to see it now. I was about to go to the kitchen and fix myself a dinner when I heard a whimper in pain, I then go upstairs to my room there I saw Sarah who is sweating badly and trembling. I quickly go to her put my palm on her cheeks, shit shes burning up. I quickly took more warm water and clothing then clean here whole body when I was done I then took a clean towel and put it on her forehead. Her trembling already stopped but the whimpering did not, I then stand up and go downstairs and fix my dinner and start thinking.

ughhh what am I suppose to do?? I know that being her fan, one of my dreams is to be with her, to hug her,kiss her and be hers but this is not my imagination this is real! Sarah Paulson is here with me in my house and shes sleeping on my bed!! Ughh geez aika relax.

When I was done eating, I then go back to cleaning her body again and again until her fever goes down, by the time that I was finish and made sure that her temperature is down, it 5 o'clock in the morning. ughhhh great ohhh fuck it I'm just gonna text kathy and cherry that I'm not feeling good.

**from Aiksbabes**

guys I'm sick, you know what to do with the teachers and ohh don't come visit me I am capable of taking care of myself

I then send it to them and look at Sarah one last time before falling into sleep


Sorry it's kind of short and sorry for the grammar, I'm not that good with English yet and yes.

what you have read is true the setting of this story is in the Philippines because I'm a Filipino so yeah and please no hate this is just one of my imagination and enjoy😊😊

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