The future

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Entering the common no one was In sight. The common room never seemed more at peace than at this moment. You sat down on the one of the chairs looking up at the ceiling. You thought about the future even though it wasn't relevant it was something that always gnawed at your brain. Being muggle born was something that you've never been ashamed of but you knew that muggle borns had and always be bullied for something that was uncontrollable. So getting a job in the wizard world wouldn't be easy but not impossible. You wanted to fall asleep in the common room because you felt safe in school. School has always been your haven and the rest of the world was something you really just didnt want to explore but had to. You took a deep breath and stood up from the chair heading up to your dorm. You walked into your dorm immediately plopped onto your bed. Drifting into a sleep with the most peculiar dream. You saw yourself on top of Hogwarts seeing a dark figure beside you while look down and saw thousands looking up at you, admiring you. You couldn't see the who the dark figure was but only could see that it was proud of what ever it had accomplished or the people admiring it below. You never liked heights or crowds, but you felt safe with the figure but not happy, like that figure was  the only thing keeping you safe ,the only thing keeping you from the horrible future that was ahead of you. You woke up with an uneasy feeling coursing through your body. You sat up feeling hot and sweaty.  You saw that you had awoken before Suzy so you must've woken up pretty early. Your body wanted to go back to sleep but your mind didn't want to dream again. You exited your dorm heading out into the common room only seeing a few students sitting down and chattering. Heading out of ravenclaw common room you went into the girls lavatory. You felt drained and so tired and you looked horrible. You washed your face seeing the eye bags that had appeared . After leaving the girls lavatory you headed back into your common room into your dorm. Seeing as suzy was gone she had probably went to go get ready in the girls lavatory already. 

You put on your robe that was hanging on your bed frame

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You put on your robe that was hanging on your bed frame. You wanted to wait for suzy but you felt famished. You rushed out of your dorm and common room and headed towards the Great hall. 

"Y/N!" Suzy yelled out. 

"Oh hey?" you responded. 

"Where were you this morning, I didnt see you in the dorm?" she asked. 

"I woke up a bit early today but talk to you later I'm starving" you said. 

"I'll come with" she said.

You sat down at a table next to Suzy. 

"Y/N you look quite horrible today" Suzy said with a worried tone. 

"Thanks I didnt notice" you said as you began to eat your oatmeal.

"Sorry I didnt mean It like that its just that its barely the second day of school and you look so drained?" she said.

"I just need some more sleep probably" you said. 

"Lets hope so" she said. 

"So how was the first day back Y/N?" She asked. 

"It was....more than I expected" you said. 

"Care to explain ?" she said. 

"Its a long story but lets just say Tom riddle and I are not on the best of terms" you said. 

"Who is, hes so stubborn and none the less hes scary" she said. 

"You are 100% correct" you said. You took a bite out of your toast biting your tongue accidentally. 

"Bullocks!" you said while flicking your tongue around your mouth. 

"Whats wrong?'' Suzy asked.

"I bit my tongue" you said. 

"Maybe you should eat slower" she said. 

"Dully noted" you said sarcastically. You continued eating your food with Suzy until class was about to start. You sat up and walked with Suzy to Transfiguration. You and Suzy sat next together up in the front. To your surprise classes went by fast up until lunch. You sat alone at lunch because most of the people you knew were either with their partners or with their friends. You saw others laughing and talking away while you were just there alone barely thriving. You looked at the mashed potatoes on your plate and felt all of your hunger turn to disgust. You left the grand hall and wandered out of the castle onto the grounds. 

You sat down looking at the all the children and teachers walk around

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

You sat down looking at the all the children and teachers walk around. They all seemed like they knew where they were going, what they were going to do. They knew what there future was, but did you? The muggle world and wizarding world always seemed the same to you even though some might not agree. Even though muggles and wizards/witches were different obviously we all had the same destiny we were all born to die. Not even magic could stop that its just nature. After a while of sitting out, you thought how you really didn't know many people at Hogwarts. After being their for fives years you only knew a handful of people. Even though participating in social interactions was not really your thing you felt awfully alone. You then felt a hand touch your shoulder. Out of shock you jumped up. 

"Jeez Jazmin!" you said. 

''Sorry I saw you there and had to do something" she said clinging onto one the pillars. 

"Why aren't you hanging with your boyfriend?" you asked?

"Well to be honest he ditched me for his friends so I thought why not come and visit my beloved friend" she said.    

"Huh beloved" you said.

"Yes beloved" she said.

"So what class do you have next?" you asked. 

"Potions with Snape" she said.

'' Oh you poor soul" you said. 

"Oh come on hes not that bad" she said. 

"No hes not bad hes terrible hes one really dull and mean at the same time it doesnt make any sense and his face is just scary" you said. 

Out of nowhere you hear a familiar voice"If thats how you really feel miss Y/L/N you can tell me all about it in detention" Professor Snape said. 

"Shit" you mumbled under your breath. As you turned back slowly you saw Professor Snape look at you in annoyance. 

"Detention starts right after school be on time" Professor Snape said walking away seconds after. 

Jazmin burst out laughing.

"And that good old fashion karma" she said proudly with a smirk. 

"Oh stuff it Jazmin" you said. 

His Mudblood (Tom Riddle x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora