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As the minutes passed and your friends still continued to eat their lunch you grew more impatient.

"So, any idea on what we're going to do today Suzy?" You asked.

"Well I thought maybe we could go to the library and just hang out there for a while. Is that alright with you both?"

"It's alright with me." Jazmin said as she ate the last bite of her lunch.

"What do you think Y/N.?" Suzy asked.

"I'm not a big fan of reading but we don't have anything better to do so why not." You answered.

"Okay then let me finish my food up and then we'll be on our way." Suzy announced with a smile. A few minutes had passed and Suzy and Jazmin finished eating their lunch.

"I'm ready now." Suzy said as she stood up.

"Let's go then." You and Jazmin both sat up and started walking out of the great hall with Suzy.

"What are you both planning on reading?" You asked.

"I'm not really sure, what about you both?" Jazmin responded.

"Well I wanted to learn more about some magical creatures." You said.

"I wanted to read more about love potions." Suzy said calmly.

"Any particular reason why?" You questioned Suzy.

"No particular reason." Suzy answered.

You all approached the entrance of the library and as you entered you all parted your ways and went to search for your own book interest. You walked through the isles of books searching for your desired book about werewolves. Even though you liked mermaids more than werewolves there was something more appealing about someone being a man and then at any second they could become a lycanthrope.

As you looked for your book you found a book that had many little stories inside about the supernatural. It wasn't exactly what you were looking for but it was close enough. You grabbed the book titled, "Tales of The Unknown" Written by E.J Grumble.

After you got your book you went to go search for your friends. You walked back to the entrance of the library seeing your friends on the far left standing close to each other; searching for their books.

"Hello." You said as you walked over to them.

"Hey y/n, did you end up getting that book about magical creatures?" Jazmin asked.

"Not quite, I got a book that tells stories about the supernatural." You said.

"Sounds interesting."

"Did you end up finding anything?"

"Yes I did."

"What did you get?" She handed you a blue hardcover book with Brown letters on it. You opened the book to see spells for students in the year above.

"Getting ahead I see?"

"I wanted to just skin through it and just recognize the spells a bit."

"Good idea Jazmin." You turned over to Suzy.

"Suzy? Did you still want to get that book about love potions?"

"Yea I got it. You want to see?" She asked. You grabbed the book and gently opened the cover and flipped through the pages.

" actually entertaining."

"I'm glad you like it now, let's go find a place to sit." Suzy said as she left to go find a decent table to sit at. You and Jazmin followed Suzy to the back where she found a table where you all could comfortably sit at. Jazmin sat down on the left side of you, while Suzy sat in front of Jazmin and you. You opened your book to the first page and started reading. Even though the book was written very childlike, the illustrations were drawn perfectly.

The book you were reading wasn't very long so you read through it pretty quickly. You sat up from your seat planning to get yourself another book.

"Where are you going?" Jazmin asked curiously.

"I'm going to get another book. I'll be right back." You left your table and headed back to the

same spot where you had gotten your book from and put it back. You looked through the shelves and sections looking for a book that caught your eye. A brown leather book with a red line that struck through the top half with words written in a golden yellow seemed worth reading.

You grabbed it and started reading it while you walked back to your table. You were too focused on your book to realize the person walking towards you. Just before you were about to bump into this person you looked up and quickly moved to the side. You said "sorry" in a dull tone and put your focus back to your book.

"Mudblood." Someone uttered quietly. You turned your head to see who had said that. You saw Riddle standing a few feet away from you. You rolled your eyes and continued reading your book. He grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him. You tugged on your arm but he would not let go.

"You should have the decency and respect to know that you shouldn't call me that in public and act like some animal by grabbing my arm like that." You snapped at him.

He dragged you to the back of the library. It was dark and the only sign of light was far in the distance. He let go of your arm and stood right in front of you. He moved his body closer looking down at you. He grabbed your chin and lifted it up; he lowered his head and put his mouth up to your ear.

"Does your mouth do anything other than talk?" He whispered as his mouth moved quickly towards your mouth. His lips touched your lips and his hands cupped your face. His lips were the softest thing you had ever touched and his grip on your face made you feel so safe in that moment. You gave into the kiss and sunk into his hold. You moved your hands around his neck and played with the his hair. This feeling jolted through your whole body, filling up every part; you never wanted this moment to end. He pulled away slowly and moved his mouth back up to your ear.

"You can return the favor next time mudblood." He said as he turned his back to you and walked away.

His Mudblood (Tom Riddle x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang