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As you watched Tom walk away, you could see how powerful he was just by the way he walked. His body, his hands, his face was so freaking gorgeous. But the most disgusting, vial, thing about him was his mouth. His mouth had uttered so much hate and unacceptable things that It just clouded over him making his personality more important than his looks. His mouth would probably be the death of him you thought. You waited a while as he walked away just standing there in confusion. You scratched your head and let the thoughts in your head fade away and turned around and walked to the great hall to get some food in your system. You sat down alone for supper this time not really bothered by the seclusion. You looked at the food that was being served today. Casserole, Vegetables, and Ice cream with Water. You licked your lips almost salivating at the look of the Ice Cream and Casserole. You got a lot of Casserole with a small amount of vegetables since vegetables weren't your favorite. When you finished your food you knew you had probably eaten your food a tad too fast because the second later you felt like throwing up but the feeling went away and you surprisingly hungry again.  

You looked at the ice cream in front of you and licked your lips. 

You got your spoon and scooped the ice cream out of the bowl into your mouth letting the ice cream melt in your mouth savoring the delicious taste.

A/N I dont know why that last sentence sounded a little weird but anyways I kinda have big news, This upcoming week I will only be posting one chapter every week because school is starting back so I might not have a lot of time to post but I'll try to post as often as I can. Btw I hope you all have enjoyed these last few chapters, and I don't know if anyone might be confused but Harry Potter and Y/N (You) will have a sort of relationship . P.S I wanted to thank everyone for reading this story. It really means a lot :) Stay safe guys!

As you finished the Ice cream you guzzled down the water, you wiped the chocolate and water residue off of your face, smearing some of it on your lips. 

"Hello Y/N." Harry said, startling you. You jumped a little out of surprise.

"Jeez Harry, how to sneak up on someone." You said.

"Sorry. I just came over to ask If you wanted to come to quidditch practice?"

"Sure!" You said.

"Oh if you don't mind you have a little something." He said as he used his thumb to clean off the ice cream on your lip.

"Well shall we get going?" He asked, trying to ignore what had just happened

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"Well shall we get going?" He asked, trying to ignore what had just happened.

"Yea lets go." You said blushing a little.

A/N I'm so sorry that I made this microscopic spicy scene. I just wanted to give you all the little ✨Spice✨ you all deserve.

As you followed Harry out of the castle onto the quidditch fields you could see that Ginny was already out on the field ready for practice, Hermione, Ron, and Luna were on the bleachers talking. You ran up the bleachers sitting down next to Luna.

His Mudblood (Tom Riddle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now