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As soon as you disappeared from everyone's gaze you ran to your dorm. You opened the door quietly tiptoeing inside. You looked to the right seeing Suzy in a fetal position on her bed. You closed the door not trying to make any noise. You really felt bad for her. Even though they were a new couple that's still a heartbreak nonetheless. You pulled fire out of your pockets and walked over to her cage and put her in. You sat down on your bed, pulling out the diary. You grabbed your wand and took a deep breath.

"Revelio." You said with a whisper pointing your wand at the dairy. You opened the journal to find pages filled with words. Should I read this? You thought. It was only fitting that you should since he practically assaulted you. To hell with it. You whispered. You started at the first page and within hours had gotten to the last entry. You couldn't even think at this point. His thoughts, his writings were filled with rage, hatred, sadness, and frustration. A lot of his rage was towards his family and a lot of teachers and students at Hogwarts. Hell, he even wrote about you, which was very surprising. He didn't exactly hate or like you from what you read. He was more confused about how he felt about you. You didn't think very much about it since you learned somewhat of his backstory. He was conceived under a love potion so feeling love was nothing to him. He mostly felt lust, but most of the time didn't give in to those

"Disgusting thoughts." But it all kinda made sense now. His hate for mudbloods was clear now. His father was a muggle who was under a love spell put by his mother. When she took the spell off of his father hoping that he would really love her, he didn't and left her. She then died giving birth to Tom and that's how he ended up being who he is today. You closed the journal and tossed it aside. You curled up feeling sad for Tom. Even though he didn't deserve your sympathy, you still felt for him. You looked up at the ceiling still stunned about what you had read. But that was the least of your problems. Tom would want his journal sooner or later. Would it be wise to just walk up to him and give it to him or just wait for him to come to you? It didn't even matter he would still be angry nonetheless. You got out of bed and hid the dairy under your mattress. You sat down back on your bed and looked at the time. Time had gone by so fast, it was nearly 10 and you still had to go take a shower. You grabbed your pj's and bathrobe. Just as you were about to leave your reflection caught your eye. You stepped towards the mirror and looked at yourself. Your eyes immediately went to your neck. You touched your neck feeling the soreness. You couldn't see any marks at the moment. You backed away from the mirror and took one last glance as you headed out the dorm room and exited the common room. You hurried to the girl's lavatory hoping to not get caught by any prefects. You entered the girl's lavatory to see no one inside. You took off your clothes and entered the bathing area. The water was so relaxing and warm. You just wanted to stay there. But sadly you could not. You scrubbed your hair and body as fast as you could. You stepped out of the bathing area and patted yourself dry. You put on your pajamas and got your bathrobe and left the girls lavatory. You ran back to the common room but was stopped. You felt someone tap on your shoulder quickly and turned around. You sighed in relief. It was Padma.

"Hi...Padma." You said with a nervous smile.

"Hello Y/N. So what brings you to wander the walls during these late hours?" She asked.

"I know, I know it's late. I'm really sorry I broke curfew. I just really needed to take a bath." You said.

"It's alright but next time I might not be here." She said.

"I know this is the last time." You promised.

"Mhh better be. Well, you should get going. Good night Y/N."

"Good night." You said as you walked your way up back towards the Ravenclaw common room. You entered the common room and headed up to your dorm. You opened the door and saw that Suzy was awake sitting on her bed.

His Mudblood (Tom Riddle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now