"I'm sorry!! There was a noise going off and I was trying to find it out and it ended up being your phone... he heh."

Kacchan scoffed at me and speed walked to the other room and started putting cushions on the couch. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm cleaning up the mess you made. It's obvious you can't pick up things on your own, and now I have to do everything myself. You don't realize how much of a handful you are."

Kacchan has done so much for me, it wouldn't be right to make him clean up my own messes. I sighed to myself and walked over to the little table and picked up some little paper books I moved around. Kacchan glanced at me for a moment and cocked his eyebrows. "Ha? What're you doing?"

"I wanna help. After what you just said, I want to clean up my own messes." I replied as I put the paper books on the little table.

"I see. While you're at it, can you put some water in the vase for the flowers." He ordered me to do.

"Got it. Oh, while I was talking to Mina, she said that there's going to be a New Year's party at Iida's place. Can we go?"

"We'll have to see until you help me clean up the mess you made, I might reconsider." My mouth started to form a smile about his comment. He's going to consider it! I'm so excited. Ring! Ring! "Could you get that?"

"Yeah, sure." I picked up the vase and brought it with me into the kitchen. As I set the vase down my hand reached for the phone and pressed the green button and held the phone to my ear. "Hi Mina. What's up?"

'Just the person I was wanting to talk to!'

"Oh boy, what is it now?"

'Nothing much. I just wanna know if you can sing or anything...'

"Eh? Well, I can sing. But I only sing lullabies to Eri. I'm not that much of a good singer."

'Doesn't matter, I just needed to know if you can sing. How about you ask Bakugo if you can come to my apartment for a visit.'

"That May have to wait. I'm helping Kacchan clean up. That's what I get for trying to find your phone."

'I can wait. I'm on my way home now that my shift is over. I'll pick you up shortly.' Call ended.

"Who was that?" Kacchan asked while he walked over to me with flowers in his one hand.

"Mina, she wants me to come over to her apartment once she gets here," I replied as I gave the phone to him in his other hand. As of today, I got myself in a situation I can't even get out of. What did I just agree to? Hold on, did I even agree to being able to sing? What's it for anyway?

"Deku! You're overflowing the vase!" My thoughts have been pushed back aside when I heard Kacchan's voice.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry! I zoned out for a bit!!"

"Sorry isn't going to fix it! Hurry and get a towel and dump some water out of the vase!"

"You got it Captain Kacchan!"

-New Years Eve-

These four days of hanging out with Mina and practicing that song really wore out my voice. I hope Mina knows what she's doing. Hope this will be worth it. Right now, I'm waiting by the front door with Kacchan next to me and watched as the door opens itself slowly. A head peaked out. "Hm? Oh hey guys! Welcome to the party! Iida hasn't arrived yet, but he'll be here shortly, come in!"

"Thanks Uraraka," I said as she opened the door more for us to enter. The entire place was packed. Guys and girls dancing with drinks in their hands. Lights flashing everywhere. "So, does Iida know about this party?"

The Merman from ashore-Mermaid AU(Bakudeku)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang