Chapter 1

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Izuku POV

Life in the ocean is wonderful. You get to explore new things such as shipwrecks, treasures, new friends. None of those things interest me like treasure. The only treasure that I like is the ones from the surface. I would always look around and find the best and extraordinary trinkets.

It's fun finding new trinkets everyday, but it gets boring. I would always talk to my fish friends and sometimes they help me find new things that would spark my interest.

Though... I've been alone for as long as I can remember because there aren't others like me. I don't even remember what my parents even look like and it makes me curious as to where I came from.

"Hey... do you think there are others like me?" I asked a turtle for advice. They're known for being wise creatures of the sea and everyone goes to him for help.

"Hmmm... I don't know, young one. I haven't seen anyone like you before, but I'm sure they're out there somewhere." He reassured me. My eyes turned to the shell I was holding in my hands. This was the only thing I can remember about my parents. They left me this shell and I still hold onto it.

"I know you miss your parents my boy... I know for a fact that they're looking for you."

"Maybe. Or maybe they just forgot about me..." I squeezed my eyes shut and held my head down to the shell.

"Look boy, if you want to know what I think. I think you should find them yourself! If there are others like you, then go find them. It's not gonna help if you cry to yourself everyday and wait for your rescuers!!" He angrily shouted at me.

"Am I that much of a bother Torino?!" I exclaimed and he started to chuckle at my actions.

"No, it's just funny that you may be an unknown creature, you're such an idiot and only think of one possibility."

"I see. But, where do I even start? I don't know where to begin with. I mean every one of you guys have taken care of me since I was a baby."

"Hmm... I think I may know someone who can help you. They seek so much knowledge than the books you find in those shipwrecks. Her name is Nemuri, she may help you find your answers." He explains to me and shakes his head, "If you want to find her, follow the north of the sea and you should spot a small town of coral."

I leaped off from the rock and dropped the shell and swam over to Torino and gave him a hug. "Thank you Torino! You're the best!! I'll head out tomorrow and look for Nemuri! Bye!" I dashed away from him and swam to my little home.

I stay in a shipwreck that's still in good condition, which surprised me since the ones I've seen have been torn to shreds. I slowly entered my home and went over to the mirror. 'I can't believe this is really happening! I'm going to be able to find my own kind.' My hand covered my mouth from a yawn and decided it was time for me to go to bed. I grabbed a book from the shelf and started to read it to help me sleep.

My eyes started to get hazy from all the reading and I eventually ended up reading from reading a book.


Okay! I'm gonna bring my shell as always! My weird clock that has four letters, a few books, a fork for my hair. Should I bring some treasure? Nemuri sounds like someone who would want something for a price...

I'll find some shipwrecks just in case. "You up boy?"

"Torino! What are you doing here? You're usually not a morning person."

"I came here to bring some company. You can come out now," Torino hollered by the entrance and saw a little young dolphin. She had big red eyes and peaked over at me.

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