"Stories?" Klee asked, sitting on (Y/n)'s lap and tried to read the notes that (Y/n) had left herself. "Can you tell us a story?"

        "Only if Razor wouldn't mind." (Y/n) looked over to the grey haired boy.

        "I like stories," Razor said happily. "I want to hear."

        "Well, alright," (Y/n) closed her Grimoire, and set it down next to her. "This is a story, about the Energio Archon and the relationship she had with the gods from before."

        The first thing that (Y/n) could see, were amber like eyes. She blinked a few times, looking deep into the eyes in the color of hardened tree sap.

        "You're finally awake," It was a male's voice. He looked down at the tiny god, who had the form of a human, their body being outlined by pure dark energy, while her little body was made of pure energy. "I was wondering when you were going to awaken."

        "Who are you?" (Y/n) asked, just blinking a few times.

        "My name is Rex Lapis," The dragon creature said, and unwrapped himself from under (Y/n). The young God had realized that she had been laying down on the dragon, who curled himself up under her to give her a more comfortable position to sleep. "You must be the Archon Bia, of Energio."

        "Yeah, I am," (Y/n) sat up, and ran her hand over Rex Lapis's amber fur on his spine. "What God are you?"

        "The God of Geo," Rex Lapis said. He usually doesn't like it when people would try and touch his scales and fur, but (Y/n) is a very new god, one that he could not hold a grudge against due to her lack of knowledge about his personal bubble. But he had to admit, she is quite the gentle God, even if she was new. Most newly born Gods would be aggressive or leave immediately without looking a him, but (Y/n) was not the case. "You are currently in the human world with me. Many humans are not disturbed by our appearance, so don't worry if they look at you. They are just curious about you."

        (Y/n)'s form was quite small, since she was only using a little bit of energy to keep her form together. She was also quite young, so her control over her physical appearance was reflected on how much natural energy she was producing. She crawled over to Rex Lapis's head, and crawled onto the back of his neck. He was quite big, much bigger than little Bia is. "You're really big...can I stay here?"

        "If you wish," Rex Lapis said, not minding if (Y/n) was going to be staying with him. he ad to admit, she was quite cute for such a god with barley a form. "But please do not play with my ears. They are quite sensitive."

        "Ok!" (Y/n) instead played with his horns. She was curios about his horns, since she doesn't have any. She was investigating Rex Lapis's form, since he is the first one she's ever met.

        "I shall take you to another god, I think it would be nice if you met each other," Rex Lapis started to push himself up, and flew towards the ocean, where there was a god that was maybe just as old as him, or maybe even older. "Make sure you use please when you would like to know something or make a request. Use thank you if you receive something, or if you request is rejected, say thank you anyways to show you are thankful that they have thought about it'

        "Ok!" (Y/n) said.

        "Osial," Rex Lais flew over to a many headed looking Leviathan. "A new god has appeared."

        "Where is it?" Osial asked, looking around. He could not find the said new god. "I do not see this new god that you are speaking of."

        "Bia, come out of hiding," Rex Lapis said, and felt the fur on the back of his neck start to move. "Say yellow to Osial, the Lord of Vortex. He controls the way the water flows."

        (Y/n) looked up at the Leviathan made out of water, and waved shyly. Rex Lapis and her have an imprint relationship. Like some animals, they imprint of the first living creature they see, and think it's their mother. For (Y/n), it was more like an imprint of a brother. "Hello..."

        "My my," Osial lowered one of his heads towards the little girl, getting a closer look at her. "She is quite the adorable little God. How new is she?"

        "No more than a day," Rex Lapis said, letting (Y/n) play with his fur and his horns. "She already knows how to speak, but she's still learning about proper manners. I do plan on teaching her."

        'You're like a protective older brother," Osial chuckled, as he watched the little God making tiny braids with Rex Lapis's fur. He thought it was adorable. "Make sure you do not spoil her, alright?"

        "I won't spoil her," Rex lapis rolled his eyes. "She will be the least spoiled one out of everyone."

        "And that's how Rex Lapis and Osial had met Bia," (Y/n) smiled. She looked at the two kids, and found them asleep. She had to admit, she sometimes had boring stories. She gently laid Klee down, and used a spell to make a Pyro blanket, something to keep Klee and Razor warm. At least she didn't have to worry about a nap time.

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