Chapter 8

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Lin sat down at her desk, letting out a sigh. A long day of conferences was enough to send her into a wave of fatigue. She took a sip of water and then stacked a few papers in the corner of her desk.

A strange movement behind her jolted her from her peace. She stood up and said, "I really hope it's not a bat again." She walked around, looking all over her home for the source of the sound.

Suddenly, she felt her entire body seize up. She couldn't move a muscle, her eyes widening. She tried to turn her head, but it was suspended. She felt her body raise off of the ground, a scream of terror catching in her throat.

"I believe I owe you a visit, Chief Bei-Fong," Amon's voice cut through the cold air like a knife.

Lin struggled against his grip, but it only tightened instead. He continued, "I have been nothing if not patient with Republic City and the people in it. However, your move today was a costly one. And not for me. Rather, for you. I suppose it would be quite sad for Republic City to lose their best, wouldn't it? I feel bad for you, Bei-Fong. You should've stayed out of this conflict between the Avatar and me."

"Bastard," Lin struggled to say.

Amon chuckled, lowering her until she was on the ground. "Do you know what form of bending I use? Blood bending to control, energy bending to destroy lives."

"You'll suffer," Lin struggled as she spoke again.

Amon approached her from behind. "Then I suppose we'll have to change that, won't we?"

He brought his hand down and took her bending away in one go. He then let her go and she collapsed to the ground. "No. This can't be happening."

"But it is," Amon said, a smirk forming beneath his mask. "I wasn't the one who told you to say what you said. You dug your own grave yourself. A fatal, but expected mistake."

"Korra will kill you."

"She's weak and lacks craft. She can't kill me. And she certainly won't," Amon said, his hand lighting ablaze in fire.

"No. Please. Don't do this, Amon. You've done more than enough, haven't you?"

Amon let the flames dissipate and then said, "What good is keeping you alive, Lin?"

"And what good is any of what you're doing? You're a monster!"

"No, Lin. You misunderstand. I am the solution."

She struggled to sit up, backing against her couch. "You've made your point clear, Amon."

"I am saddened to see such a bender lose so much. I always had some respect for you, Beifong." Amon shook his head. "But I suppose not even that is enough."

"Just leave me alone, Amon. You've done what you came to do."

"Hopefully you've perceived the message clearly, Beifong."

"Loud and clear, bastard," she said, shaking her head. "Loud and clear."


"Has anyone actually seen Asami? Or Yane for that matter?" Bolin asked, kicking his feet up on the table.

Korra shook her head. "Nope."

"Yeah. It's starting to worry me." Mako nodded. "I mean, we could claim that Yane's with her boyfriend. But what about Asami? She should be back by now."

Mako got up and returned after a few moments. "Penma hasn't seen them either."

"Okay, don't freak out," Bolin said, shaking his head. "They're probably just out for a drive, right?"

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