Chapter 25

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A/N: So sorry about the lack of updates for so long. I have been super busy these past few months between school, work, setting up websites, publishing and writing in my series, starting new projects, etc... so I have been fairly swamped. Apologies, readers! In any case, I'm back with another chapter. Enjoy!

Korra rolled her eyes. "Bolin, what's the point of all of this?"

Bolin clapped his hands together and took in a deep breath. "Korra, for the last time, it's Mako's birthday and he never celebrates it. Besides, he's your boyfriend. Why aren't you excited?"

"I didn't think Mako cared. Plus, my mind is on other stuff."

"Unalaq stuff, right?"


Bolin shrugged. "Live life in the moment, Korra."

"I wish I could, Bolin. It's just that...everything is so confusing for me."

"How about we focus on Mako and less on our problems?" Bolin nudged her in the shoulder. "Whaddya say, Avatar?"

"Hey, have you noticed that we haven't seen Yane in so long?"

Bolin nodded. "Maybe she's just busy...but how is this going to work? Amon was faking his relationship, wasn't he?"

"I don't know how that guy thinks."

"I think he was faking it. Probably to get closer to us. Guess his objectives changed."

Korra looked through the shirts on the table. "Would Mako like something like this?"

"I think so," Bolin answered.

Korra gave him a perplexed look. "He's your brother, Bolin."

"So? You think I know everything about him?" Bolin let out a laugh and grabbed a box from a nearby shelf. "Maybe Mako needs a watch or something."

Korra had to admit, the fact that Yane hadn't shown in a long time was beginning to concern her. She was beginning to wonder if Yane had somehow abandoned them. Or if something bad had happened to her. Korra bit her lip and looked down at the shelves stocked full of items. She wondered how she could even think about a birthday when she had Unalaq to worry about. 

"I think we really should check on Yane," Korra said, setting the shirt down.

Bolin blew a raspberry. "You're no fun, Korra. Maybe Yane's just working through some stuff."

"Shouldn't we be there to help her work through said stuff?" Korra put her hands on her hips defiantly.

"You want to go and ruin Mako's birthday, go ahead," Bolin replied, shrugging, a sly smirk on his face.

"Your guilt-tripping doesn't work on me, Bolin," Korra replied.

"Did you consider that maybe Yane's avoiding us?" Bolin asked her.

Korra nodded. "That's why I'm concerned. I don't want her to think that we've abandoned her or something."

Bolin huffed. "Fine. We probably should check on her. And then we finish getting Mako's present."

"Good plan," Korra said, walking out the store. Bolin trailed behind her. 

Korra felt as though something were off. She wasn't sure what, but she felt dread. Genuine and pure dread. Her mind traveled to other places, concerned suddenly that something bad was to come. The new bloodbender was bothering her. She couldn't think about the possibility of there being another bloodbender. 

Then again, she wasn't sure if she was supposed to worry or not. Amon was clearly capable of defeating anything that stepped in his path.

But what if Tenzin was right? Korra was terrified that she was becoming complacent, if not passive. That she was just letting him do all of the work. She had to increase her ethic. She knew that she was the Avatar. 

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