Chapter 26

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"Manurath?" Tenzin asked, his face twisting with concern. "Daerok? What are you both talking about? I've never heard of any of this."

"That's what the spirit guy said," Bolin said, shrugging. "Right, Korra?"

"Right," Korra said, nodding swiftly. "He mentioned that...that I failed as Avatar. I'm not sure why."

"What a load of hooey," Bolin said, laughing as if he were trying to alleviate the situation. 

Tenzin sighed and looked around before settling his eyes back on Korra. "Was he trying to kill you?"

"No. It felt like he was holding back." Korra shuddered.

"What could be more powerful than an Avatar?" Bolin's face turned slightly pale.

"The spirits that give the Avatars their powers," Amon's voice broke through their conversation. "I had a vision myself from the spirit world. Something is going on. And it doesn't feel right."

"It wasn't just a vision. This guy was really there and he was really attacking me," Korra said, looking over at him.

"Korra, it would be wise of you to try and tap into your ancestors. See if any of the other Avatars can help you," Tenzin suggested. "I am completely lost on this matter."

Korra nodded, biting her lip. "What if they don't have the answers?"

"Then we'll have to figure this one out on our own," Amon replied.

"I need a quiet place to meditate," Korra said, stepping out of the room and towards the outside. She sat in the middle of a shaded area with trees and closed her eyes, pressing her fists together in order to meditate. 

"Avatar Aang, I am calling upon your wisdom. Please help me. What is the Daerok Realm? Who is Manurath? Why are they telling me that I have failed as Avatar?"

She opened her eyes and could see Avatar Aang sitting across from her. "When I was a young boy, I heard fleeting stories about a dark realm known as Daerok. However, this is as far as I understand it."

"Thank you," Korra said, feeling desperate. "Avatar Kyoshi, I call upon your wisdom. Please help me figure out what Daerok is."

Kyoshi appeared in front of Korra. "During a mission, I found a strange place in the Earth Kingdom that was filled with darkness. When my troops and I attempted to block it, we were met with immediate resistance. We barely were able to survive. However, the darkness called itself Daerok. This is all I know." 

Korra was beginning to feel hopeless. She wasn't sure what to do as she sat there in the silent and vast world of the spirit realm. 

Her mind swirled with a million questions, but an image continued to flash through her mind. 

And then the realm around her shifted. 

She was in the middle of what looked to be a temple. There were giant statues surrounding her as she sat there, her eyes wandering up towards the statues. They were of previous Avatars before her. 

In fact, many of them she didn't even recognize. 

In front of her, she could see what looked to be Manurath. Behind her, she could see another man with a mask as well. The two of them appeared to be in some sort of confrontation. Korra stood up and moved away, unsure what she was seeing. 

The other man whom she didn't recognize had a mask colored black rather than Manurath's gold. They were both dressed in robes and hoods. 

"Do you not feel the coming of our age, Manurath?" The other man asked, his voice echoing against the chambers of the temple.

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