Chapter 19

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For the fifth time that week, she decided on having noodles and beef broth. There was something about the way it warmed her throat that filled her with joy.

She sat down at the table, the snow howling outside as she ate away, the sound of the radio drowning in the distance.

There wasn't much to do, especially since the raid. But she didn't mind. She hoped that she'd have more of a chance to enjoy her time alone, but the snow didn't do her many favors.

A knock at the door startled her out of her thinking and she cautiously stood up, her robe dragging over the ground as she crouched lightly to stay out of view. She never knew who was out there. Better be safe than sorry, she figured.

The darkness and the heavy snow obscured her view of who was there. The body clearly belonged to a man, but she didn't know who else would be out there besides the only person on her mind.

She cracked open the door a bit and then said, "Who is it?"


"Noatak?" Her eyes widened and she opened the door more. "Heavens, I had no clue you were coming! Come inside!"

Amon ducked his head into the doorway and Kaira closed the door behind him, an excitement in her heart when she realized that he'd come earlier than usual. "How are you, Nolatak? I missed you."

"Fine. And you?" Amon asked.

Kaira couldn't help but feel that he was more disconnected than usual. "I'm sorry. If I knew you were coming, I would've made something special."

"It's alright. Don't worry yourself about me. are you?"

"Is something wrong, Noatak?"

Amon shook his head, but she could clearly see his eyes deceived his own words. She reached out and took his hand in hers before wrapping her arms around him in an embrace. "I missed you so much. You barely come by anymore."

"I know. And I feel terrible. But with everything going on in Republic City, and the Red Lotus entering the's been harder to come by."

Kaira did wonder if he still cared for her like he used to. She tried to calm the doubts, but no matter what, they always managed to sneak into her mind. "Are you hungry? I'm sure you are. It was a long trip afterall."

"If there's nothing, don't bother yourself."

"Nonsense. You're lucky though. I did make some noodles." She beamed and poured a bowl for him.

"The storm was treacherous to navigate," Amon commented as Kaira came back.

"It's been like this for days." She set the bowl on the table and motioned for him to join. He obliged and sat down across from her. "I haven't been out much because of it."

"Once the mess I'm dealing with is over and the Red Lotus is out of my hair, I'll find a better home for us."

Us. The word rang in her ears several times before she said, "I'd like that."

"I can sense that you're troubled."

"It's nothing, really. I'm just...when you promised eternity with me, did you really mean that? Do you still love me the way you did then?"

"Of course I do. I don't form relationships with others for the sake of love. I sometimes need to take unconventional routes to secure a perfect future. The only way to get into the Avatar's inner circle was to have some form of emotional connection with an ally of hers."

"It's not serious, right?"

"I feel nothing for her. But I feel everything for you," Amon said firmly.

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