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I've started my Sherlock random ships, one-shot fanfic thing if you're interested, I did a Johnlock first, so please check it out!!



We arrived at the restaurant. Sherlock intertwined his fingers with mine, and we entered the building.

"The great Sherlock Holmes, and his boyfriend Doctor John Watson." The man I had met years ago exclaimed.

"I bet you'll be wanting a candle this time?" He chuckled.

"We're here on a double date, ah there they are over there. Thank you." Sherlock said, and pulled me over to Mycroft and Greg.

"So? What happened?" Mycroft asked his brother as soon as we were seated. Sherlock cleared his throat.

"I woke up, tied to a chair, Moriarty was there, and I deduced that he has gone more insane than last time we met, he has nobody working for him anymore. I remembered that I had a blade up the back of my shirt, don't ask, and then cut myself loose, stabbed him, turned on location, and called Grah- I mean Greg." Sherlock finished.

"Well... alright then." Greg said.

"How did he live?" Mycroft asked.

"Fake gun, loud noise, hydraulic system up his sleeve to the back of his neck."

"Still bloody brilliant that you deduced he is working alone..." I murmured.

Sherlock chuckled and pecked my lips, and we enjoyed our double date.

Afterwards, Sherlock suggested we go for a walk.

He lead me down through the park, and we just chatted about nothing in general.

But soon I realized that we were in the woods. "Sherlock? Where are you taking me?" I asked him finally.

"You'll see." he winked mischievously.

Soon enough, we came to a small clearing. In the middle, there was an electric blanket laid out, and candles, and rose petals.

"Sherlock you didn't..." I gasped.

"You don't like it?" He asked, worry filled his eyes.

"No, the exact opposite. I love it. You didn't have to do this for me."

"I love you John Watson. I want you to know that."

"I love you too. And just being with you makes me know you love me."

We sat down on the blanket, and just kissed, and whispered lovely things in each other's ears.


As John and I sat on the warm blanket, just enjoying each other's company, I felt happier then I had felt in years.

All my troubles, and bad memories, just faded away. All that mattered was John.

I eventually found myself with my head on John's stomach, as we gazed up at the stars.

"Aren't the stars beautiful?" His soft voice filled my head.


"Too bad you don't know anything about them."

"Ha ha. Very funny."

"I am aren't I? But isn't the whole sky just beautiful?"

"Not as beautiful as you."

We lay there for the longest time, when John yawned and shivered slightly.

"Let's go home John."

"What about this stuff?"

"Homeless network gets it."

"That's nice of you Sherlock."

"They're useful."

John chuckled, and I put my arm around his shoulder, and we made our way back to 221B Baker St.

In a short amount of time, we were snuggled up together in bed.

"Goodnight John."

"Goodnight Sherlock."


Heyyyyy trying out a new 'divider' thingy. Sorry if this was really short. As it said at the top, I'm writing this Sherlock, random, ship, thing, fanfic, one-shots, yes. Please go check that out and yah. Ttfn.

The Queen™


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