Chapter 18: Grand Council of the Masters

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Sadie followed Leonard as he led her down the spiral stone stairs, deeper and deeper into the bowels of the castle. The old koala clutched an alchemical lamp in his paws, bathing them in pale yellow and throwing long black shadows against the walls.

With every step, Sadie felt greater dread. Her scholarship, her future as a Warrior, everything she had worked for could be snatched away in an instant. And if Master Dao had her way, it would. All that stood between the Warrior's will and Sadie's expulsion was the Grand Council of the Masters.

But will the Grand Council of the Masters give me—some lowborn mamzer—a fair hearing? Sadie thought.

Sadie cringed as she imagined telling her mother what had happened. How she was tricked by two cruel boys who hated her for being lowborn. How she lost everything.

At the end of the stairwell, they came to a small black door, its old wood rotting and splintered. From the door hung a rusted brass ring.

"Knock," Leonard said.

Sadie gripped the cold brass ring and knocked.

"Enter," commanded a baritone voice.

Leonard walked back up the staircase, leaving Sadie alone. Holding her breath, Sadie pulled the door open and entered the room.

It was musty and dark, illuminated only by blazing torches, which sat in blackened steel cages affixed to the stone walls. At the front of the room sat six Masters in throne-like chairs carved from a single slab of black granite elevated high off the floor.

Sadie looked up. She recognized Masters Padwe, Dao, and Joan. The others she'd never seen before. But they all dressed identically: rich green robes with long hoods, stitched with gold thread. There was not a single beastly among them.

Sadie gulped, fearing the worst.

One of the Masters stood. He was an ancient-looking man with thick black spectacles, a shock of white hair, and a clean-shaven face. "Sadie, I am Headmaster Gold," he said. He looked right at Sadie, his gaze solemn and steady. "You have been brought before the Grand Council of the Masters on two charges: wielding a weapon without permission and threatening a student. To support these allegations, we have already heard from multiple witnesses, including Master Dao. But, as per custom, you have the right to defend yourself. So, speak."

Sadie looked at Master Padwe, hoping for some sign of sympathy. But his face was still, his expression impassive.

I'm alone, Sadie thought.

She cleared her throat and spoke: "I did take a sword without permission. But only because Sofi said she saw an elemental. And she couldn't run because her leg was hurt."

Saying it out loud, Sadie realized how ridiculous it all sounded.

"Yes, of course," Master Dao said sarcastically. "Nicolas, Geoffrey, and Sofi conspired against you, all because they were upset that you won some silly game in Master Joan's class."

"It's true," Sadie said weakly. "It's what happened."

Master Padwe stood, turning to address his fellow Masters. "Is that so hard to believe? That Nicolas and Geoffrey, both of whom share an obvious disdain for the girl, plotted to have her expelled?"

There were as a murmur amongst the Masters.

Sadie felt a surge of relief. She was wrong—Master Padwe was on her side.

"Such plotting requires intelligence," Master Joan said. "Which both those boys seem to lack."

"Enough!" boomed Headmaster Gold. "We are moving in circles now."

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