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I woke up around two pm, thankfully I got eight hours of sleep or else I wouldn't be so happy the rest of the day. I lay in bed waking up, eyes closing slowly instead of opening when a tap on the door reminds me that Oliver is here and probably has been up for awhile.
"Come in!" I say after clearing my throat from any sign of grogginess.
Oliver's head pops in smiling, "Nice bed head princess."
I mentally curse myself, and pat down my nest of hair walking into my bathroom to tame it. It was definitely a piece of art. I sigh and comb it out putting it in a bandana and quickly brush my teeth. I see Oliver checking out my room, smiling at the pictures I had on my wall. He sits on my bed still facing the wall and I go to sit next to him.
"You and your friends sure take a lot of pictures." He says raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah." I look at one of them, it's Natalie's selfie he declared she must have a selfie up defining our "forever bffness" forever my ass. I reach to take it down, no longer wanting her up there looking at me with that menacing smile.
"Why'd you do that?" I flinch forgetting that Oliver was here.
"Uh well. Yesterday we had this fight. She said some mean things and I just don't want to look at her right now." I say in chunks, I don't like telling people my business, obviously.
"Princess, you do realize she's all over your wall right?" He says pointing to the hundreds of pictures of the three of us. I groan, oh great.
"Curse you." I say jokingly. He puts his arm around me and I tense for a second but then melt into him, who knew a guy could have this much of an effect on a girl.
"I want you to be able to tell me anything, don't be scared to let me know what's going on in that wild mind of yours, okay?" I look up to search his face for comfort, He's looking down at me with a serious expression. "Okay." I simply say and hug him from the side, he tightens his arm around me and I let go, hearing his phone vibrate.
"Sorry, it's my dad. Hello? Yeah, okay. Bye." He sighs, running his hand over his face. "I have to head home, my father has some big news for us." He looks at me, I search his face and find nothing but exhaustion, a strand of hair falls in is face and I go to move it away. I leave my hand in his hair as we stare into each others eyes, all I want to do is kiss him, just to make him smile, ease his exhaustion.

So I do.

I lean in and kiss him square on the lips, just once and I pull away. I lean back and see his eyes are closed, his breathing even, once he opens his eyes I see lust. He leans into me again and I meet him half way, not holding myself back from this deep needing I have that consumes me whole. I feel him pull me closer, his hungry lips send fire throughout my body, my hands are in his hair wanting to pull him closer to me, but this position isn't working. I find myself moving to sit on his lap either leg on both sides of him so theirs no space between us his arms hold me tight against him. He bites my bottom lip making me moan and thrust his tongue into my mouth, the fact that this is my first time kissing like this doesn't matter, I let him take control. I need him to take control. All too soon were out of breath and are separating our faces from each other, he leans his forehead on mine eyes still closed trying to contain his breathing.

I'm out of breath too, I start to feel more aware of our position, I can feel his erection where it shouldn't be. I don't mind though, which surprised me at first because I am not that type of girl, I am the type that shudders at the though of sex, that covers her ears when Natalie is explaining how a penis looks, that avoids any type of male contact for crying out loud! Yet here I am, wanting more from Oliver. Here I am with Oliver, willingly wanting more. I pull my head away from his and caress his cheek, he opens his eyes and looks at me. The lust in his eyes has faded and another emotion takes its place, regret. I am taken back by this emotion flooding his blue green eyes, I remove my hand from his cheek and look behind him, not wanting to meet his eyes, not wanting to see regret etched all over his face. I clear my throat and remove his arms from around my waste and thigh, I got off his lap and stood, still avoiding his gaze.
It was quiet.

I decided to say what he wanted to say but obviously couldn't, "That was a mistake."
He didn't move, or agree, or disagree, he didn't do anything but stare at me. I could see him from the corner of my eye and I was getting angrier by the second, I had no idea why. "Your father wanted to see you, you should get going." I walked to my bedroom door and held it open for him I looked at him this time, he was looking at his hands still sitting in the same spot. He abruptly stood up and walked to the door or so I thought, he stopped in front of me instead and searched my eyes for something, I'm sure all he would find is sadness. He sighed and kissed me again, a quick peck on the mouth and walked out.
What the fuck.
What the fuck?
Before I can go and yell at him he was already out and in his car driving away from my home. Driving away from me.

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