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I told my two friends everything that happened at Kandy's. I got two different reactions at first, Jan's being the 'oh my god! What a butt! And that blonde chick is a jerk too!' And Nat being the 'Aw. That sucks. But hey now you can have is friend. Or brother. Whatever one you like." At that brother part I'd thought Jan would react, but she nodded along. I'll ask her about it when we're alone.
Then they both realized that I might possibly have a guy for the summer, aka Oliver. Just because he wanted my number doesn't mean anything will happen, and that's what I told them. I was sure of it, he was just being friendly.

Natalie had a date and left me and Janette throwing up a duces pose and duck lips on her way out. So me and Jan do what we usually do on our nights home together, movies, and junk food, supplied by my parents.

"What are we going for tonight? Disney? Harry Potter? Lifetime? Other...?" I ask her, she's on her phone texting away not even hearing me. I sigh dramatically. She still doesn't look up.

I sneak around and stand behind her trying to look at what she's doing, alas! Her ginormous head is in the way. I scoot closer until I'm right next to her head, less than an inch away and SHE STILL DOSN'T NOTICE ME. I want to laugh so bad but try and focus on what she's doing. Of course she's texting, but it's not a saved number, she seems to be in a very interesting conversation with 'UNKNOWN.' I decide to breath like Darth Vader in her hear and she jumps like, five feet in the air screaming. I'm on the floor holding my stomach laughing. I wish I had cameras in the house so I could have recorded that, it was just so funny I could watch it over and over.

I feel her hitting me with a pillow and I can't help but to laugh more! I might pee my pants! "You stupid!" -pillow to my face- "Asshole! You!" -pillow to my face- "Scared the shit!" -pillow to my face- "out of me!"

"Stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I try to tell her while being smothered by a pillow. "I cnt breef!"
That makes her laugh and stop suffocating me, "You know I don't like to get scared you butt face!" Janette yells at me.
"You shouldn't have been ignoring moi!" That's french for 'me' for ya information! "I am the center of the universe, thank you so very much!"
Janette snorts and rolls her eyes. "Calm down."

"So... Who's this unknown number person you're talking to?" I ask her, because, well, I have a hunch on who it might be.

I see her blush "I honestly don't know. But I do know it's a guy, and that we met yesterday at the party... Don't let me drink ever again Leia."

I can't help but laugh, "Jan you had like, one beer. How can you not remember who you were with last night?"

"Hey! I never drink. It's not my fault I'm a lightweight!" She pouts and her phone makes a noise.

"I bet I know who it is!" I say in a sing song voice. Hopefully I'm right, if it's not Johnny then that would just be creepy. What if she got the meatball guy L-O-L that would be too funny.

"What!? How would you know? I've been texting him since three and he won't tell me who he is." She pouts and goes back to texting.

"So let's watch Radio Flyer." I say avoiding the question.

"Leia. Spill." She gives me a stern look but I can never take her faces seriously. She's just too adorable and innocent it just looks cute.

I laugh and cave in anyway, "Alright, his name is Johnny. He's Patrick's younger brother, I met him again today, obviously, and he told me about how he recognized me from all the pictures you showed him of me- why would you even do that by the way!? All those embarrassing spam pictures on there!" I chuck a mini pillow at her face and she snorts and begins laughing.

"Oh quit glaring at me." Jan says to me after calming down, "I was not myself, you can't blame me missy."

I scoff "Whatever Janjan. Whatever."

Misfit LeiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon