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Ever woken up to the sound of someone texting? It's very annoying. The tap tap of someone's thumbs on a screen will get to you. Especially when it wakes you up from a great dream.
I roll over and there Jan is, tapping away. I push her off the bed and hear her 'ooph' as she hits the carpet floor.
"I hate you." Is all she says.
I ignore her and try to go back to sleep, just as I'm about to stroll into dream land Janette jumps on me, knocking out my air supply.
I groan and try to turn over but I am too weak. "Janette. Get. Off. Me." I try to sound mad but my voice is too groggy.
She gets off anyway and beats my head with a pillow, "Can you get up and make food already! Im hungry."
"Fine." Is all I could say as I run off into the bathroom to pee before my bladder explodes. We don't want another pee girl in the house.

We change and go downstairs to make brunch. I love the smell of pancakes and bacon omelets. I turn on the stereo and put on a CD of my own making, Electric Feel by MGMT plays while I hurry to flip the three pancakes.
"Dude." Jan says.
I nod up and look at her. She's looking at her phone with a sick expression. Curious, I turn off the stove and walk over to her to look at what's on her screen.

Apparently their was a party last night that Natalie went to... And well... Let's just say theirs a very inappropriate picture of her in her drunken state let loose in cyber space.
"I didn't know she had nipple piercings." I deadpan.
Janette scoffs "That's all you have to say? She's exposed on Instagram with her top off and only her thong on!"
I sigh, Natalie has always been a party hard or don't party at all type of girl. As to why she's friends with Janette and I is beyond me.
"Well, Natalie is Natalie. You can't deny it was bound to happen, right? Let's just flag it so it can be taken down. Who posted that anyway?" I lean in closer to see the user name. "Wow, so original. Why do high school kids have so much time on their hands?! And why even are you following them?" I ask Janette, who's reporting the photo.
"I'm not following them, I saw it on my followers activity feed." Janette simply says.
I grab my phone and look for 'SlutsRUs.' Scoffing at the stupid name, and the thousands of followers, I report the whole account. I can't help but look at the other poor people on this site, it's mostly drunken teens at party's. I exit the app no longer wanting to look at my fellow classmates in the nude.

I decide to call Natalie to see how she's dealing with all this, that is, if she knows. Leaning against the island in the kitchen the rings begin to start up, one, two, three, four, fiv- "Hello?" A males groggy voice says though the tiny speaker at my ear.
"Uh, is Natalie around?" I hear some muffled noises and the male returns.
"Can you maybe describe her?..."
"What do you mean describe her?" I ask, flabbergasted.
"Well... You see, theirs quite a few girls around here..." WHAT?!
"Oh my god ew. Okay she has blonde hair, tan skin, probably more than half naked?" I hear him chuckle on the other end and cringe at the creepy sound.
"Babe, half these girls are what you just described." Jesus christ.
"She has nipple piercings?" I offer, hoping that that sets her apart from the other girls there.
"Oh! How can I forget her!? Man her nipples were-"
"Is she there or not!?" I cut him off, I do not-I repeat DO NOT need to know about my best friends nipples. What is wrong with this guy?
"She's somewhere here, she was with with this dude Cameron they went upstairs. Bet they were fuk-"
"OKAY, thanks bye." I hung up before the sicko could rupture my innocent mind.

I turn and lock eyes with Janette, who's giving me a curious expression. "Natalie's with some dude named Cameron. I think we need to go get her ASAP."
She sighs, "Breakfast to go, please?"
I make pancake burritos, and hand them to Janette who scarfs one down while heading out the door.
We make our way to the adorable box car, or scion, provided by father dearest, another one of those "sorry we're leaving you again but here's a way to get you places" gift they gave me one year.
We get in and head off to rescue our drunken damsel in distress.

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