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I woke up with a slight headache. "Jeez light weight or what?" I lay in my bed for a few more minutes not even opening my eyes. Wait. I didn't go home last night. I quickly sit up, eyes on high alert taking in my surroundings.
"What even?" I say out loud.
I was in a neat room, walls a light blue, empty shelves, a drawer, walk in closet, I see the restroom. Am I in a guest room?
I think back to last nights events; I fell asleep, and someone carried me here. Oh my lord. Did I weigh a lot? Did they look up my dress? Did I snore? I groan into my hands and lean back into the pillows. My headache starts to build. How embarrassing.

I grab my phone from the band around my thigh and it's dead. I look to my left and see a house phone there. Yes! I need to call the girls- damn that ass face Joey! Leaving me in a strangers home.

I dial Natalie's cell, it rings once and straight to voicemail. I try Janette and the same happens. "Are you kidding me?" I say out loud.

I put the phone back and go to the restroom to see what damage I have to work with to at least look presentable.

"Oh hell." I say to myself in the mirror. I look like my face has been colored by a four year old. I look in the cupboard and see face wash, excellent! After scrubbing all the gunk off my face I start to work on my hair. I look though the drawers under the sink and theirs a comb. It'll do. Getting my naps in place I decide I look okay enough to say hello, thank them, and call a cab.

I look at the time, on the alarm clock. 11am. Wow.

I wonder if all those people passed out went home? Or if anyone's awake. I hope not.

I press my ear to the door, not hearing anything at all. I slowly open the door, heals in one hand, poking my head out. It's dead silent, which is kinda scary. I tip toe out of the room, feeling exposed. I sigh, I just had to be upstairs? Walking carefully towards the stairs I look around to see if anyone's around. Again not a sound or soul. I step onto the first step down.

"Why are you moving so slowly?"

I jump, squeal, throw my heals, and fall on my butt almost having a heart attack. I look at whoever almost killed me with the best stink eye I could muster while my bum aches with pain.

My words gets caught in my throat, he's shirtless showing his fit upper body, and has on jeans similar to the ones he had yesterday, his hair is wet and falls over his forehead. He just looks...yummy.

What? Yummy? Did I just say that?


I look into those electric blue eyes of his and he's just there smiling, "You okay there?" He walks over extending his hand for me.

"U-uh yeah. My butt broke my fall." I blabber out.

Your butt broke your fall? Really? I ask myself, while taking hold of his hand. He effortlessly pulls me up, a little too close to his bare chest, but I'm not complaining...

"Yeah I saw that." He chuckles, his minty breath fanning my hot face.

You should jump his bones, just do it. The voice inside my head tells me. I shove it to the back of my mind, no way. I let go of his hand and back up.

"Well, thanks for, ya know... Letting me stay or whatever." I tell him, picking up my heels from the step. "I was about to leave." I look at him, using all my strength not to check him out.

He just cocks his head, "How were you planning to get home?"

"I was going to call a cab." Smacking myself in the forehead, "Which now sounds like a stupid idea, since I didn't bring anything with me." I tell him, and myself.

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