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*Picture of Janette ^*

What is wrong with me? I just kissed a guy. Basically a stranger, if I could still consider him a stranger that is. I mean it's only been what? Three days since I've met him? Why did I kiss him? The first guy I can actually hang around without being all weird like, and I blow it. Great job Leia. Before I could scold myself some more my phone rings upstairs, I go up to answer Janette's call.

"Hey Jan, what's up?" I try and sound casual.
"You okay? And what was with that weird ass voicemail?" She could be blunt when she wants to, and obviously saw through my not so causal answer.
"How do you know I'm not okay?" I sigh, "Can you just come over? I'll explain it better."
"Already on my way, sugar tits."
"Uh... Did you just call me sugar tits?"
"Shit, I did didn't I?" She snorts. "This guy at the dinner yesterday kept saying that and I guess it stuck. Jesus. Be there in ten." I hear her laugh and the line goes dead.
I can't help but laugh myself, she's such a dork.

The sound of a car honk outside lets me know Janette is here, I unlock the front door and go back to making lunch. I have a habit of making weird food combinations when I'm upset. I was told I would cook like a stoner would, with my weird combinations, or something like that- Natalie said it.

"Sugar titsssss! I'm home!" Janette yells as she enters the house, laughing like a hyena.

"Are you drunk? You're so giddy and, free spirited today." I make air quotation marks as I say free spirited and laugh. My mom would always say that when I was being annoying, she didn't like saying words that would discourage my little five year old self. I wish she was here and that we coould have that mother and daughter relationship, where she would give me advice and hold me whenever I had problems. But sadly we won't ever be close like that. Thank goodness for friends, right?

"Psssh, no. Well, yeah. DRUNK IN LOOOOVVEE!" Janette belches out off tune making me wince and cover my ears.
"Okay no, don't sing you sound like a dyeing whale." I say and turn to the monstrous Peanut-butter-jelly-bacon-Nutella-banana-cinnamon toast crunch sandwich, with pickles and cheese it's on the side.

"You're just jealous of my angelic voice." Jan says while jumping up on the counter top, I scoff. "What in the shit is that?" She says as she looks at my lunch. "Food." I simply say and take a huge bite out of it. "No shit. But what the hell Leia, it looks like it could give you diabetes and a heart attack in one bite!." I roll my eyes and quickly swallow. "It's actually really good. I mean, yeah it looks like it could be Frankensteins long lost brother- here just take a bite!" I shove the plate towards her. She looks at it with a scrunched up face and takes the smallest bite known to man. I roll my eyes "Okay because you're totally going to be able to taste a microscopic crumb, take a manly bite Jan!" she goes to take a bigger bite and I shove it in her open mouth making her take a bite as big as mine. I can't help the fits of laughter escaping my mouth as the sides of her cheeks are now coated with the ingredients. I laugh even harder when I see the shocked face she's wearing, and how it turns into bliss once she started chewing what was in her mouth. "Told Ya it was good."

After I made another sandwich for myself we laid down on the grass in the backyard drinking coconut water and talking about what went down yesterday.
"So he kisses you-" Jan starts.
"No I kissed him." I correct her.
"Right, so you kissed him and he responded. Only to regret it afterwards. Yet still kissed you again while he left?"
"Basically. I mean, the look on his face after the kiss was obviously regret, he didn't agree or disagree either after I said what was evident on his face! But the kiss after... Like what the hell?" I sigh for the millionth time in the past hour.

"Maybe he didn't regret it. Maybe he has some sort of story and kissing you brought back some sort of feels from the haunting past." Jan says.
"L-O-L you have got to stop reading those stories online Janjan. That's just not how it works in real life." I sit up and look at her. "Even if that was some how the case, I'm sure he wouldn't be out flirting and partying. Right?"

"I don't know Leia. Everyone copes in different ways." Jan says and sits up too, gulping down the rest of her drink. I decide to change the subject, this Oliver shit is making me feel super dramatic. "Soooo how was the dinner party yesterday? Scratch that, are you still talking to Johnny-Boy?" Just as I suspected, Jan's face turned cherry red. "Oh boy. You have it bad don't-cha!? I giggle as she swats my arm. "Spppiillll!"

Jan takes a deep breath, and smiles. "He's really the sweetest person ever. He'll text me good morning and goodnight, ask how my day was, call me randomly just to say hi, we never have a dull conversation. That I am thankful for because well, you know me, never one to stay on one topic for long." I nod in agreement to that. "We're actually going on a date Thursday." She says quietly. I squeal (I didn't know I could make that noise to be honest) and shake Janette from one side. "Oh my gosh! Your first date Janjan! How exciting!"

"Okay, first off; OW! You made me deaf with that weird squeal dude! And secondly! I know right?! I am so nervous and exited at the same time I could barf." Jan says excitedly.
"You've grown up so fast, I don't know what to do." I wipe away a fake tear and laugh as Jan shoves me.
"Shut up." Is all she says.
We sit there in silence for a few minutes, I look at the garden that surrounds us, another reminder of how me and my aunt spent time together. Planting flowers and a few trees on a hot summers day. Sometimes I wish she still lived with me, sometimes I wish she was my mother instead of my aunt. I don't know why she just up and left one day... Before I could think more of it Jan clears her throat bringing me back to the present.

"Has Natalie tried to talk to you?" She asks me.
"Nope, why? Has she tried to talk to you?" I ask her back, furrowing my brows.
"She sent me an invite to a party she's having at her parents beach house today. That's about it." Jan shrugs and looks at me.
"She hasn't sent me anything. Not that I care anyway, what she said was way out of line." I pluck a blade of grass and inspect it.
"I know, I'm still surprised on what she said. Hungover or not she didn't have the right to." Jan says and hugs me sideways for comfort.
"Yeah. Anyway, I was going to show you something and I totally forgot what I was going to... OH! You have got to see the dresses Kandy gave me yesterday!" I pop up off the ground and tug Janette up with me.
"Geeze, pop off my arm why don't you!?" Janette scolds me and I ignore her skipping to the door leading inside.

After showing Janette all my awesome free work clothes, we lounge about in my room. Janette is reading something on her phone and I am scrolling though Instagram. "Hey Jan, what are you even reading?" I ask her, mostly because she's been furiously scrolling through that book of hers. "Shh, they're going to finally find out that their mates!" She whisper yells at me.
Uhm, what? "Are you reading those werwolf stories again?" Janette replies with a grunt. I sit there thinking about the story she made me read once, it was really... Eventful, to say the least.

"Do you think when the girl werwolf's wear makeup, and then shift, their fur is covered in the foundation and stuff? HA! Imagine a wolf with fake lashes and eye makeup! That would be so weirdly funny." I look over to see if Janette was even paying attention to me, and of course she wasn't. "Okay cool, yeah, I love talking to myself."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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