Opportunity to celebrate

Start from the beginning

7 hours pass
Airi POV
We were now on the plane, everyone sitting down except Stephanie and Colin who were just now returning from the restroom
"How do you feel?" Rose asks her when she sits down alongside us
"Better. This morning sickness is no joke" she responds, slouching in her chair
"Well, when you start your second trimester, you'll feel way better" I assure Steph
"I don't know what to say about that. I did some research and turns out that when having twins, women tend to experience elevated levels of morning sickness. It's just my luck" her laughter subsided when she noticed none of us were laughing with her "Why are you all looking at me like that?"
"Did you just say-" Logan is cut off by Finn yelling
"What happened to 'let's surprise them'?" Colin asks his wife with a smile
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to let it slip! Dang it!"
"You just keep throwing news at us as if it's nothing important" Rose shakes her head
"Well congratulations! You're getting two for one" I say
"I think I saw a similar offer at Target" Rose says
"Would you two just stop comparing my babies to a Target offer?" Steph says
"But really now, we're happy for you guys" I say in the name of everyone
"Yeah. This is very exciting news!" Rose agrees
"Good luck, you two" Logan pats Colin on the shoulder
"Thanks" Colin says and a moment of comforting silence falls over us, before Finn speaks up
"You know what I have just realized?"
"What?" Steph asks
"You and Hun are like two Russian dolls. You're holding two other dolls in you, while Airi has only one" we all look a bit confused at him
"Wait.. That does make sense" I trail off
"Yeah.. We're two Russian dolls. How did you think about that?" Steph asks intrigued
"I have no idea. It just hit me" Finn explains
"You can also be a Kinder Surprise" Logan says
"Yeah. You would certainly be a surprise for a cannibal" Rose says
"Rose!" Steph exclaims
"What? Do you mean to say that you don't like my dark humor?"
"Not the baby jokes" Steph tells her
"Ok one more and I'm done. What goes plop, plop and fizz, fizz?" She takes a break and looks around "Twins in an acid bath"
"That's it. Go to the other room!" Steph demands
"Alright. Alright. I deserve that" she sits up and leaves

The next day
After we went out to eat, walked around the city and had our little nap, we got ready and headed downstairs to the casino. As Logan and I are walking hand in hand towards the elevator, he asks me
"When did you buy this dress?"

 As Logan and I are walking hand in hand towards the elevator, he asks me"When did you buy this dress?"

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"When you were at work"
"You went to the mall?"
"No. I sent over my measurements and got it made. Don't you like it?"
"Oh I do. You look stunning in it. I was just curious when you got it" he shrugs
"And what if I told you I always had it and I actually wore it before?"
"I'd know you're lying"
"How so?"
"I would remember a dress that looks this good on you"
"So you remember every single one of my outfits"
"I wouldn't say every single one, but I do remember what you wear"
"Well would you look at that. I have a hawk-eyed husband"
"I could be a detective with my keen sight"
"We would make an incredible duo! I'd find information on people while you find proof. We should quit our jobs and start a new company" I goof around
"Brilliant idea. That's our plan if these jobs don't work out" he laughs swinging our clasped hands. When we got to the elevator, we pressed the button and inside were our 4 friends
"Good evening. There's room for 2 more" Finn gestures for us to enter, so that's what we do
"Boys, you're allowed to gamble, however! Do it with a limit. I don't want to be broke in the morning" Rose announces, mainly looking at Finn
"Don't worry. We won't exaggerate. It doesn't matter the win. What matters is the game and gaining experience. Am I right guys?" Colin asks and the other two agree
"I wonder how huge this place actually is" Steph says expectantly and before anyone could say anything else, Finn drops to the floor and pulls out a map
"What are you doing?" I ask
"I'll tell you what I'm doing. I'm showing all of you the way the casino is positioned" we all look down at the map outstretched on the elevator floor
"Where did you get a map from?" Logan asks
"Nowhere illegal. So don't worry your pretty little head with the details. Now! This is the entrance. You better memorize this map quickly"
"Yeah. I'll just take a mental picture of it" Rose says sarcastically
"Should we come up with some secret signs as well? Like whistling?" Finn inquires
"I don't think we'd hear a whistle from across the room" Colin says
"Duly noted" Finn sits up, folding the map in the blink of an eye and tucking it back in his tuxedo

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