💢Chapter 41💢

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I think NEPA is against me doing double update today.😂🤣

I was going to post two updates today but I'm not done typing the next chapter and with this present  battery🔋 percentage ehn.... If I continue typing, I might not post today. So lemme just kukuma drop this chapter 😁

Chapter 41


20 minutes earlier


Tiwa smiled knotting Thomas's red tie, "Think of when we'll be married with kids." "Why are you suddenly talking about kids?" "I feel like I'm pregnant" she revealed and he scoffed.

"What? You're supposed to strictly be on pills! We agreed...."he stalled, "How will you keep the baby? Who will tell them is the father of the baby?"

"What's there? Thomas I don't see the big deal about this! I mean you're divorced... except you're the one who doesn't want us together" she snapped and he almost rolled her eyes.

Mehn, Tiwalade, it's too early for all this your drama!

"I married his daughter, now I'll get married to the sister"

"I'm not his sister abeg!" She snapped and Thomas watched her remove a cigarette from her bag, she lighted it up and smoked it running her hands through her hair then she puffed out the smoke exhaling.

He scoffed.

"How many times will I tell you not to do that in my front?" He asked and she scoffed.

"Then stop making me angry! You know what Thomas, this days you've been making me mad, skipping things, keeping secrets! You know that I hate it"  she moved closer and he cringed his nose in disgust still staring at the faint smoke that escaped out of the end of the cigarette.

"Have you missed your period?"

She inhaled the cigarette then she looked sideways puffing it out, "Yes"

"Have a pregnant test done then, I'll book you up for abortion"

Tiwa scoffed, "You're not serious! In fact, you can't be serious!  What do you take me for? Winny? I can't be dating a grown ass man and still go for abortion"

"Not like it'll be your first, how many abortions have you had in your lifetime, three? Four?" He asked and she switched the cigarette to the other finger then she flunged her hands across his face giving him a hard slap on the face.

He rubbed his face, another slap? It had to be a messed up week! Maybe the week was cursed!

"Don't you ever!" She snapped, "I can endure a lot, not that! If I'm pregnant, I'm not having any abortion done, we'll speak to a wedding planner and we'll plan out wedding" she demanded and he scoffed.

"Is that an order? When did you start giving orders?"

"I'm not giving you orders, all I'm saying is that I'm not having the damn abortion done! I'm having this child whether you like it or not. Don't forget who brought up this plan in the first place. I'm the one that had been suffering through, I'm the one everyone has been asking when I'll get married!" She snapped, "I love you Thomas and i don't like it when you act this way?"

"What way?"

"Like you're going to discard me the moment we get everything"

Thomas sniffled, he didn't feel like listening to her get all emotional! He moved close to her hugging her. "My ever beautiful Tiwalade, my love, the love of my life"  he raised nhee chin up.

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