💢Chapter 26💢

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Chapter 26


Thomas shook his head as he stared at his daughter who was coiled in the couch. He was utterly disappointment in her! "Winner Thomas Balogun, I am highly disappointed in you! The heights of my disappointment cannot be compared to even Kilimanjaro itself. This is a disgraceful! You have managed to kill the little trust I should have had on you. O tie ti pa tan! (You've killed it all)"

"Thomas, I don't think shouting at her is best now."

"Oh support her now, is it not this kind of thing you always support"

"Oh please Thomas! How convenient for you to push the blame back to me when it's all your fault. If you had been sensitive enough you would have done the needful that would have prevented pregnancy! You didn't even take her to see a damn gynaecologist!" She snapped and he kept quiet.

"I had a lot in mind, I've been running the affairs of the hospital"

"What affair? Compared to neglecting your own daughter"

"You first of all neglected your post as a mother or do we still need to remind you who filed for divorce?" He asked and she gritted her teeth, "You....." She stalled now looking at her daughter, "It's the place of a mother to take care of her female children but what did you do Dunni, you left your own daughter for what reason?"

"Stop it!" Winny yelled, she hated it when they argue! "Can you two not fight? This is a serious situation"

"Our daughter is right, what's done is done already, let's think of a solution as parents." "Solution? You do know the only solution as medical practioners is abortion!"

"Abortion is not a choice!"

"What does a seventeen years old girl know about Parenthood? Winner, what do you know about Parenthood?" He asked and she pulled him aside, "Thomas stop being insensitive?"

"Insensitive? Your seventeen years old daughter is pregnant and you tell me I'm being insensitive" "My seventeen years old daughter, oh he's no longer your daughter right?"

"I didn't say so. My point is, she can't raise a child at this tender age"

"We'll help her"

"Like raising her was a success too!" He snapped then he scoffed. "You failed Adunni Duncan, you failed to raise a good child, even Funsho who's a single father is doing better than you are! How's a drunk like you going to raise a grand child?" He asked and she tightened her fist.

"Stop calling me that"

"You've failed Adunni, you've failed as a mother" he snapped while he watched tears roll down her cheeks. He moved away from her back to Winny.

"Get your school bag, we're going back home"

January party

Don't shout at me, I'll be with you shortly. Where are you?" Gbade asked walking past Boma who hissed afterwards.

The hiss caused him to hiss back. Who's supposed to be more angry? His cloth just got stained!

"I'm not shouting at you Gbade, it's the way I'm feeling. I'm worried Gbade, you know that feeling like Iike you're going to die very soon. I'm having it and I don't think I can keep this thing to myself any longer. At least if I die, someone should put their asses out there!" She snapped and Gbade sighed.

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