💢Chapter 24💢

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Chapter 24


Mrs Bimbo woke from a terrible dream. She sat up, let out a frustrated groaned, then she said "Ah! Mogbe! Chief is in trouble"

Dara knelt down on the tile as her hands leaned against the bed close to Boma who was still sleeping.  She took a few prayer points from the devotional, the thought of Funsho crossed her mind and she smiled unconsciously so she wrapped her hands around her neck. Her gazed suddenly fell on the ring on her finger so she sighed tiredly.

"God, your daughter is conflicted, she doesn't know what to do." She complained remembering her Saturday plans so she chuckled. "See as I'm blushing thinking of someone that isn't my boyfriend" she added, she looked at the time on her phone, it was 5:35, she couldn't wait to see to see Funsho, at the same time she wished the morning could become longer because she knew she would have to face a disappointed Chris at the studio.  

She had plans for the day, even though she hated to admit it, the best one was actually going to the gym, not because of the andrenaline of resuming her work outs, but rather to see Funsho's face.

Chief Duncan picked up a phone call from Tiwa after he got out of the bathroom. "Good morning brother mi" she greeted and Chief smiled. "If it's not my favorite sister. This one that you called so early in the morning. Se ko o si (Hope no problem?)"

"Rara Sir, I just thought of you Sir, how are you?"

"I'm fine, just a little tiredness because of stress sha" 

"A little?"  his third wife Chioma who was in bed asked and he hissed inaudibly.

"No dizziness, no weakness, nothing at all?" Tiwa pressed on and Chief shook his head,  "It's stress my dear, why will I be dizzy? Wo, don't worry too much about me, I'll be fine" He answered and she faked a laughter. "Thank God Sir! I'll still emphasize the need to take a rest or a time off from work"

"I'll be fine my dear"

"The food from yesterday Sir, I was planning on getting the food flask back for Mom. Didn't you eat it?" "Oh. I didn't, the flask should be with Ruby, I gave her the food to eat"

"Who's Ruby?"

"One of the nurses at the hospital. We just hired her sha but she's a nice girl. Well trained and a good company at that"

"I'll be at the hospital later on Sir... To get the...." She trailed off and Chief smiled.

"No problem dear" he answered and she ended the call.

Tiwa dropped her phone on the bed in disappointment, "Damn it!" She snapped picking it up again. Then she put a call through to a number. "He didn't eat the food"  "That explains why he's not dead yet"

"Apparently he gave the food to one stupid nurse called Ruby, and I'm sure she must be dead already." 
"Can't you see what you've just  done! Don't you think Chief will be suspicious of you if anything happens to her?"

"What's my freaking business with what happens to her? I'm bothered about Chief not dying and you're here talking about one nurse that I don't care about"

"Your carelessness is going to cost us a lot. If you're not careful this whole thing might just end up blowing on our faces. Tiwa you have to be careful and please leave this in my hands. I'll deal with this okay?"


"For the time being, I'll focus on the dead nurse"

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