💢Chapter 13💢

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Chapter 13

"Kelvin, say hi to Chris Holland" she demanded and Kelvin gasped in surprise adding with everyone in the room. They've heard Brenda tell all sorts of lies, this one crowned it all!

"Hey Kelv" Chris bowed his head waving at him and Brenda who looked away to avoid the frowny faces. She crossed her fingers that her Mother or father does not blow her cover.

Mr Igwe shook his head, while his wife took a seat so she doesn't fall from the weakness Brenda's lie had caused her. Assuming she had a heart problem, she would have suffered an attack.

Chris lifted his head only to see friend faces. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked and everyone kept quiet, "Brenda didn't want me to come, she told me she comes from a strict Christian family and I respect that. I'm a Christian myself and I just want to do things the right way, to get to know her family more. I don't want to hide our relationship, I love your daughter and I've found a person I would like to make a wife, If you don't mind Sir"

Mr Igwe sighed rising up from the chair, "My dear listen up, listen to me and listen good to this advice, if you think you've found a wife, you are wrong my friend, you had better go and find a better person cause this woman here is not fit to be called one!" He snapped leaving the sitting room and Chris stared at Brenda.

Sure, Brenda had mentioned having issues with her father, he never knew it was that bad! What could she have done to warrant such hate?

Dunni's head was spinning after the kiss in the car; Timmy's kisses were sweet and sensual. It was unexpected but she liked it. The surges of chemistry between them was divine and undeniable. She longed for more, so did he.

They made way into Timmy's self con and they kissed, sliding their hands down her waist. Their kisses expressed a longing desire, as their tongues slide against each other.
"What are we doing?" She broke the kiss and he exhaled, his lips still hovering around hers. "I don't know, I have no idea but it does feels right" He answered then she kissed him deeply, exploring his mouth the more.
Timmy's hands found it's way to her back unzipping the navy blue gown she wore while she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He carressed her neck and her legs suddenly became weak.

"I've seen a lot of parents-children altercations and squabbles, I've never seen anyone like this in my entire life. Makes me wonder what you did to piss him off" he said and Brenda shrugged, "It's a complicated relationship"

"Try to make peace with him, trust me when I say this. It's no fun fighting with your father, it's stressful, not to talk about the emotional stress it gives you"

"Why do I feel like you're speaking out of experience?" She asked and he smiled. "Back in those days, secondary school and all, I usually go head on with my P-man. At some point after my first year in the University, I had to settle whatever dispute we had. Have you tried apologizing?"

"I usually tend to screw up every time even when I do, I guess I'm a freaking screw up" she snapped and he held her hands. "You're not Brenda, you just have to become more mature"

"What's wrong with Brenda?" Boma asked, "Is she cursed or something? First she lied that she owns at S and A, now it's her own son that has turned into her cousin's child" She added and Mrs Igwe exhaled, she hasn't been able to speak yet then she turned her head towards Dara who was embracing Kelvin who cried after Brenda left.

"Don't cry dear, it's okay"

"What kind of spirit made us keep quiet sef? We should have just embarrassed the stupid girl. We should reconsider conducting a deliverance service for her" Boma continued and Brenda walked in.
Everyone shot a glare at her, including Kelvin, who still had tears in her eyes.

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