💢Chapter 47💢

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Chapter 47


"Sir he's planning on reconstructing Sir" Ruby said to him and Chief scoffed, "Reconstructing what?" "The hospital, he came with designers and from what I heard, they'll be taking down the name Duncan and putting up his name"

"Putting down my name and putting up his own. After my many years of sweat. Where was he when I started?" He asked then he clicked his tongue.

"Eniyan ma buru (Humans can be wicked) Barely a day and he's planning to bring down my name, my legacy. Ah!"  He shook his head, "I hope he hasn't touched my office.

"He was there earlier on, he's even planning on changing the office style"

Chief shook his head, "Sir I think you should just call off this plan already before more damages are done" she advised and he exhaled, "Thank you for the call Ruby"

"You're welcome Sir. Besides I resigned already"


"I'm waiting for the real boss to come take back his place, there's no way I'll work for that man"

Chief smiled, "Thank you." He answered and she smiled, "Stay safe Sir" "You too dear" he chipped in and she ended the call.

Chief Bamidele scowled at him with his palm supporting his cheeks, "First he refused giving my children their jobs back and now he's planning to bring down my name. Where was Thomas Balogun when I began this dream? He was no more but a poor son of fish seller, a little opportunity and he's acting like Lord"

"If life doesn't humble a man, prison should. I think you should just do what should have been done ever since; arrest that stupid man and his cohorts.  Derin has been found shebi? What are you still looking for?

Gbade, Funsho and Dunni met up that evening so they paid visit to their Uncle with motive of making peaceful request for their father's body. 

The maid knocked on the door of the room Chief Duncan and Chief Bamidele was before entering into it.  "Chief, your children are here. Aunty Dunni, Brother Funsho and Brother Gbade"

Chief gave his brother a look to go handle the situation and he looked away. "I'm not going, me I'm not going oh, what will I say to them?" He asked turning towards the maids.

"You know what to do. Tell them,  I'm having a ritual and that I can't see them now. Don't just let them into this place"

"Yes Sir" she bowed her head leaving the room then she sighted the three of them coming from down the stairs.

"Shouldn't we just wait in the sitting room?" Dunni asked and Gbade shook his head. "What are the chances that our Uncle will let us have our father's body? It's a slim chance so, I'd rather we go in and see the body ourselves"

"What will happen when Uncle Bamidele comes out with a charm?" Funsho asked, "You'll turn back and you won't even find me her anymore. I must have driven off with the car. Only if Big sis will be nice to wait for you" Gbade answered and Funsho chuckled. "Perfect, cause I'm the only one that wants to be turned into a goat"

"Don't worry, I definitely promise to rear you well, I won't even eat you for Christmas" he answered and Dunni chuckled. "This is supposed to be a serious situation, I'm preparing my serious face and you men are not even helping matters here"

Gbade exhaled then the thought of Funsho as a goat popped into his head and he laughed, "You're probably imagining me as a goat now" he asked and Gbade laughed.

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