💢Chapter 22💢

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Chapter 22


"Everyone thinks I have a problem, I lie a lot and... It's becoming uncomfortable. When my sister suggested I go for therapy; she said she will pay but I just wanted to confirm if it was psychological before she paid for it. Or maybe I'll need to go to a prayer mountain to fast and pray for deliverance from lies"

Dr. Sommy laughed, "Not everything problem is spiritual, trust me, most problem are psychological, scratch that all problems are psychology, you know why? Cause it all starts with the state of a human mind which defines the term psychology. Even some so called spiritual problems can be psychological too, don't get me wrong, I believe in witchcraft more than my husband does but....the state of mind of any individual goes as far as determining how he or she interacts with the world around him or her" she tapped her pen on the notebook on the table.

"I don't know the cause of mine"

"Let's find out then." "I haven't paid"

"Call it your lucky day, a free check up. I don't usually base on this kind of therapy, I'm specially a sex therapist but.... I've always pride in myself as miracle worker so... Why don't we work some miracles? I love a good challenge"

"Okay ...."

"There's a psychological disorder called compulsive or pathological lying and there's another natural phase that come with human being as a result of adaptation and that's lie-mastering and you might just fall in that category. There are several reasons human lie, sometimes you don't even have any reason to, you just find yourself lying. It might be to escape a situation, it might be to blend in. Trust me, there are times you lie and it suddenly becomes a lifestyle. Tell me all about yourself and don't think of lying, for every lie I'll slap you"

"How would you know I'm lying?"

"Try me" Dr Sommy moved close enough then she sat on her desk. "Why are you sitting on your desk?" "Close enough to slap you, is it your desk? Mind your business and start talking" she pulled the notebook and pen close.

"What do you want to know?"

"The basics"

"Um..... I'm 28 years old, I studied theatre arts in the university of Lagos" "Do you have a boyfriend?" She interrupted and Brenda smiled. "I do" "Awwn, she's in love"

"Yes I am"

"Have you ever lied to him?"

"Our whole relationship is built on lies, the first day I met him, I lied to him, I didn't let him know my main reason for being at the party that night....." She bit her lips, "That was where I met him, at the Duncan's party. He was looking so handsome and funny, I lied about my job. I told him I worked as a fashion designer, then I lied about Kelvin, in front of the whole family! I still haven't forgiven myself for it, I really really want to change but I can't cause I love Chris and...... I'm scared I'll lose him"

"What's shameful about telling him your real work or the fact you have a son?"

"I was more or less jobless, my acting career didn't go as planned. I had my first acting gig before Kelvin came in and then my career crashed. I honestly stopped looking for jobs because.... The father of my son promised to take care of me but since I lived under Dad's roof and rules, I had to find any job but I get fired easily and then I took a job at Timmy's diner. Timmy's my best friend"

"Oh kay"

"Who's father of your son?"

"I'm not telling, even my parents and siblings don't know who got me pregnant"

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