Chapter 5: First Encounter

Start from the beginning

After openning the short wire gate,I see that Caleb's car is not here, meaning he's not home. But I'll take my chances.

There's another car,a black jeep. Maybe Mrs Canosa bought a new vehicle. I shrug.

I knock on the door a little too loud,my hands are shaking and my knuckles are white.....fuck I forgot to apply lotion,I quickly glance around before licking them.

The door creaks open after what feels like an forever,I drop my hands so that Caleb won't see me licking my knuckles.

"Look Caleb,I know that you're probably gonna slam the door in my face but will you at least listen to me?" I start.
"You know about Lucas but you still kissed me. You're my friend and I don't want that to ruin our relationship." I inhale. "I don't care about what happened,it was a mistake bu-"

"Caleb's not here." A deep hoarse voice cuts me off.

All this time I was blabbering, I didn't even look at him once, because I thought if it was Caleb, he would still have that scary look on his face.

I look up to see the person. He stands there with a phone in his hand, wearing nothing but a pair of black sweatpants which hang loosely on his hips.

His chest has golden tanned skin without an ounce of hair,a rippling six pack as my eyes travel down and oh my he has the V.

His silky short dark hair is damp,like he just had a shower. He slightly leans on the doorframe and there is cockiness in his stance.

His a god.

I've never in my life seen a man who has a body like his. It should be a crime to look like that.

I bite my lip as my eyes roam over his naked torso again,he's definitely sexy.

I tear my eyes away from his tonned stomach and meet his slate-grey piercing eyes. His brows raise and I can tell he saw me checking him out,my cheeks flush with embarassment.

Say something,say something

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. My breathing hitches and my heart starts to pound against my chest,it feels hard to think and breathe when his musky scent of aftershave is in the air.

"N-no?" I stammer and instantly want to slap my self.

"Who the fuck are you?" He growls.

I gulp,my heart flips when I meet his eyes again. "I..I'm Skyler" I exhale.

He stays silent, as if waiting for me to say something,his piercing gaze studying me and I just wish the earth would swallow me right now.

Maybe the Jeep is his,wait. Caleb did say his brother would be coming,is this his brother? Well he does look a lot like Mrs Canosa,so maybe he is.

"Are you Noah?" I ask,my voice sounding pitchy. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"I am" his voice is insanely hoarse,it's a major turn on. "Are you Caleb's girlfriend?"

I shake my head. "No"

"Then what are you doing here?"

Eish....rude much. Before I could answer,I hear a dog.


There aren't any dogs around here,where would that sound be coming from? I look around but see nothing.


That sounds very close,maybe it's the TV in the Canosa's.

"I'm coming Juan" Noah says to someone in the house.


Isn't that the dog Caleb was talking about?

"You want to play outside boy?" Noah asks the dog.

Bark bark

Outside? This is outside. I'm outside. That monster is coming outside?

Noah opens the door reviling a  white Labrador dog,which starts licking its feet.

"Jesus Christ!" I shout without realizing.

My heart thuds faster than before,and I thought it was hard to breath before but right now,I might pass out.

The fear penetrates my body is making my legs wobbly and my hands shake vigorously at my side.

Shouting only made the animal notice me,he starts advancing towards me and I don't think twice before running for the hills.

I hear the dog barking, Indicating that it's chasing me.

God...I feel like I'm in slow motion.

I jump over their short gate and close ours after I enter our compound,it's too tall for the dog to jump.

I'm panting and panicking when I turn to see that the dog is still at the Canosa's, barking relentlessly.

"Juan! Come here." Noah calls the dog, which runs back to him. "You chased the pretty girl away" he says with a little laugh and he leans down to pet his dog.

Did he just call me pretty?

Oh fuck him. He let that beast chase me. Damn....I jumped over a gate,I bet he thinks I'm a weirdo.

I walk to our front door and I turn around to look at him,only to find him already staring at me,his hands on his hips as he shakes his head.

I glare at him and shut our front door with a loud thud.

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