Chapter 27

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For as long as I can remember, my birthday has been the same. Dad throws me a surprise party, I pretend to actually be surprised even though I've known about the whole thing for a month or longer. I received lots of gifts. Everyone's happy. He usually goes all out and I'm guessing it's probably to make up for Mom not being here.

This year might be different though.

My Dad hasn't spoken a word to me in days and my birthday is just two days away. I was hoping it'd be the reason we start talking again but I guess it won't be.

Jessica comes to the house, but makes sure to spend the least time and avoids bumping into me. That's why I also avoid being at home. Noah usually takes up most of my time. He's a good distraction. We spend most afternoons together if he isn't busy with school and I'm assuming we're starting something here even though it doesn't have a label yet.

Right now we're in the backseat of his Jeep, listening to Coldplay's Fix You. We're at that beach were nobody else goes apart from Noah, it's like our own little hideaway. We sit in silence sometimes while other times, he's all over me, but not in the way he was at Jesse's house, which is unfortunate.

He currently has his hands crossed, leaning back in his seat, eyes closed. He's not sleeping, he just usually does this when he's listening to music. It's like the melody literally runs through his soul and all he can do is let it flow.

"I can feel your eyes on me," a smile touches his lips.

"I'm wondering why you brought me here and not giving me the time of day." My cheeks flush but I don't look away. "And you're fun to look at."

A smile reaches his eyes when I repeat the words he said to me a few days ago.

"Are you gonna tell me?"

My eyes meet his, "tell you what?"

"What's bothering you,"

"Nothing is bothering me."

A beat passes before he speaks again.

"Is it your Dad?"

Is he a mind reader?

I shrug, "he's not talking to me."

"Give him time, he'll come around."

I really hope so.

On a sigh, I lean back in my seat, mirroring him. "Anyways, I'm always talking about myself, and it feels like I don't know a thing about you."

A smile shadows his lips, "what do you wanna know?"



I nod enthusiastically.

"Okay, well I was born premature, about 7 months. The nurse there was super hot, totally loved her. But then she ditched me for fucking Leonard McCoy, just cause he was born two months younger than me."

Wait, is he serious? I know he's not when he playfully rolls his eyes.

"What?" I say in between giggles. "You're crazy."

When my laughter dies down, I find Noah staring with particular interest.



I ignore whatever that was, and continue with the conversation. "I was thinking of getting a job, before going to college.

"A job?"

"Yeah, can't continue bothering you for entertainment the entire summer." I joke.

"I'm not complaining," he offers a warm smile.

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