Chapter 13

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I swear if you told me two months ago that I'd be in at a house party with Olly after a harsh break up with Lucas, I'd have laughed in your face and said you're crazy.

But alas, here we are.

Caleb texted earlier, saying his friend is throwing party and wanted me to tag along just to make me feel better. But then he cancelled after something happened with his girlfriend. Somehow, Olly managed to convince me into squeezing the address out of Caleb and practically forcing me to come, saying it'd be fun.

And now we're surrounded by drunk, sweaty people.

"I think the fun's in the kitchen!" Olly shouts over the music. By fun he means drinks.

I can't believe these people have thrown such a wild party in the middle of the week.

Olly leads the way, pushing through the wave of sweaty people until we're in the kitchen. There's only a few people in here, all strangers. A cloud of uncomfortability hanging over my head as I stand closely behind Olly. I'm not a partying kind of girl. But Olly being him, makes friends easily, while I stand here, feeling awkward as hell, sticking out like a sore thumb.

I'm dressed in a lilac crop-top with a short denim skirt. My hair is in a ponytail as usual and I've applied some light makeup. I don't miss the mischievous eyes the boys keep giving me, eyeing my entire body from head to toe. That doesn't help with the uncomfortability.

Since Olly seems preoccupied with some guy he's flirting with, I decide to leave the kitchen. I head out to what looks like a garden in the backyard, it's quiet. No one's out here. Maybe I'll just stay here until Olly is ready to go home.

"Hey newbie," some jock approaches from behind, startling me a little.

It's Mason, he's at our school and doesn't pass any opportunity to mess with me especially when Caleb isn't near. He's been trying to flirt with me since my first day of school when we moved. And still insists on calling me newbie just cause I transferred in the middle of the school year.

He's dyed his hair white now, making him look even more cynical.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing out here all by yourself?"

For someone who reeks of weed and alcohol, he looks pretty sober.

"Waiting for my friend."

When I cross my arms, I don't realize my boobs push up until Mason's eyes glint with mischief.

Ah, this perv!

"Your friend," he says with a sly smile, getting closer and closer. I back up instinctively. "Relax doll, I won't bite."

With the way he keeps licking his lips and looking at me like I'm a meal he's starved for his entire life, I doubt that.

"Let me get you a drink."

"No thanks, I don't drink." I decline politely.

"Come on Skyler, every girl wants a piece of this," he motions to his built body, "why are you trying to play hard to get?"

"I'm not trying."

A hearty laugh leaves his lips. "See what I mean?"

He does a lazy perusal of my entire body, lingering on my legs making me wish I had something to hide behind.

"Let me get you a drink, pretty girl. The later we can go to my place. How does that sound?"

Urm... Gross!

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