Chapter 10

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                         Venus flicked a stick away from her paws with a scoff.

                        Tubbo and Tommy were chatting excitedly to Haumea, who seemed to be getting slightly overwhelmed by the two teenagers.

                         Earth and Moon were sitting beside Mercury, who was discussing what to do next.

                         Everything had come to a lull.

                         It was nice, seeming that everything had been pure chaos in the last day.

                        "Uh, hi there."
                          Venus glanced up from the ground to look at a trio of humans.

                          "I'm Wilbur. This is Schlatt and Quackity." The man pointed to the other two when he said their names.

                           The canine hummed. "You already know me, but I'm Venus."

                           Wilbur sat down and crossed his legs.

                            "What are you?" Schlatt asked, ears flicking.

                            Venus blinked slowly. "...A goddess?"

                             "Of what, though?" 

                             The goddess scoffed. "I protect a region. The- ugh, what're they called? Romans? They looked to me as a goddess of love. I'll have you know I do not stand for things like that. Love is nice and all, but war exists. It gets the adrenaline pumping." The canine grinned softly at the thought.

                               "Do the others represent something, then?" Quackity piped up.

                               "Yes, they do. Sort of." Venus shifted a bit. "Mercury was looked at as someone who interpreted things," She chuckled. "He used to have less of a temper back then. I almost want to go remind him to get a reaction." 

                              Venus hummed and glanced to Earth and Moon. "Earth wasn't really considered a Roman god, so he didn't get anything like Mercury or myself did."

                               She then looked to Haumea.

                                "Now, I do believe there was a goddess that, for some reason, poor Haumea was to represent." Venus smiled softly. "They were said to be the deity of fertility and shit. Haumea likes adventuring more than anything. They guard around two or three regions instead of one like the rest of us."

                             Schlatt snorted.

                             Venus yawned. "Anything else you would like to know?"

                             "What about the 'giants' that Mercury was talking about earlier?" Wilbur asked, using air quotes.

                              "Ahh, them."  Venus flicked her tail, wisps of gases drifting into the air and disappearing. "The giants. There's four of them. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Those four are considered our leaders, when in reality, no one bosses us around but the court. The four giants are really great friends. They do go to most of the meetings with the court, though."

                              "What court?" Schlatt questioned.

                              "The court is a very big branch of powerful gods and goddesses," Venus flicked her ears. "They're all fucking tall as hell. One of the many members of the court is a close friend of ours. Their name is Catori. Catori gives us most of what we need to know when the court has meetings."

                              Venus shifted into a sitting position, looking a bit alert. "What's going on?"

                              "Heh?" Techno blinked.

                              "Something doesn't feel right," Haumea muttered, also now standing.

                              Mercury looked pissed. "Just sit down. There's nothing around here."

                              The sky had begun to get darker, stars starting to twinkle. 

                              "Maybe it's just mobs," Eret suggested, standing an putting some torches around. "Like zombies or spiders."
                               "Mobs?" Earth looked confused.

                               "Yeah-" Tommy started. A groan from a zombie interrupted him, though.                             
                              "Like those." Technoblade hummed, standing and drawing his sword. He ran over and killed it quickly. The mob disappeared in a few particles, dropping rotten flesh.

                              Now Mercury looked confused. "What the- what are those? They didn't exist when we first came here."

                              "Mobs." Tommy shrugged.

                              "Yeah. They give us resources for trading and stuff." Tubbo smiled.

                             "Resources?" Haumea blinked.
                              "Yeah. Like bones for bonemeal or arrows." Eret smiled. 

                              Venus flicked her ears as she took in the information.

                              "Zombies drops rotten flesh," Tommy explained. "Sometimes they drop carrots or iron. Spiders drop string and eyes. Skeletons drop bones and arrows, sometimes bows," The blonde shrugged. "And Creepers drop gunpowder. There's other hostile ones like Drowned and Cave Spiders but they aren't important."



                                 The shadow hissed and pointed at a spot on a large map. 

                                  "They reside here, for now," It drawled. "What is our next course of action, Commander?"

                                  "We wait. I want the deities to think we have left them alone. For now. When the humans are vulnerable, we strike." A taller shadow smiled. It cackled. "Soon we will have our... New recruits. Get the cells prepared. I want our guests to be comfortable."
                               "Yes, Commander." The first shadow saluted before disappearing into thin air.


                                 "So that," Mercury snorted. "Is a 'Drowned'?"

                                  "Yeah. Sometimes they drop tridents. Those are rare to get, though." Tubbo hummed an shot the drowned zombie quickly with a bow. It disappeared in a cloud of particles, leaving behind a piece of rotten flesh.

                                  The fiery god huffed. "I don't see how that would be useful."

                                  "I can trade this," Tubbo held the flesh up. "To a cleric to get emeralds."

                                  Mercury blinked. "...I still do no understand."

                                  "It's very simple," Tommy said as he popped up beside his friend.
                                  "I don't understand why any being would want.. That." Mercury huffed.

                                 "Me either." Tubbo grinned. "Villagers just want it for some reason."

                                 Mercury seemed even more confused, his usual angry persona having long been gone as the teenagers in front of him explained what mobs were.

                                  Earth snickered as he watched from a distance. "it's so weird seeing Mercury so.. Confused like that."

                                   Quackity snorted. Eret stood beside the pair and watched the trio by the river.

                                   The king had to admit, it was odd. He had only seen the red canine angry and hostile-ish ever since he met up with the group.

                                    George was looking much better than he had when Eret had first arrived, too. He was now standing with some help from Dream and Haumea. The zombie-like deity apparently knew a good bit about healing, but didn't understand any of Minecraft's healing potions and whatnot. 

                                    Whatever Neptune gave him really helped. Eret was glad Tommy and Tubbo were there to fill him in, as the others were interested in other things.

                                      Like trying to get an answer from Venus about the gas at the tip of her tail.

                                     "C'mon, just tell us." Sapnap whined. 

                                     "I've said 'no' about twenty times already. Take a hint, human." Venus grumbled.

                                    "Pleaseeee," Wilbur groaned. "It's a simple question."

                                    "And I've given you a simple answer."


                                     "No. As you humans would say, fuck off."

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