Chapter 1

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                  Tommy snorted as he followed his friend down a tunnel that led under Manberg and the rest of the Dream SMP. Tubbo was talking about his bees- or something. Tommy couldn't focus though. He felt like he was being watched. Though the pair were the only ones in the tunnel. Diamond clanked against wood as they walked, and the blonde decided to speak up about the uneasy feeling he was getting.

                   "Hey Tubbo-" Tommy interrupted the brunette, whom looked at his taller friend.

                    "Yeah Tommy?" Tubbo hummed, turning his head to look straight ahead again.

                    "Does it- does it feel like you're being.. Watched?" 

                    Tubbo blinked and looked back up to his friend. "What?"

                     "You heard me," Despite saying this, Tommy repeated. "Does it feel like you're being watched?"

                    "Uh.." The boy fell silent. Now that he was starting to focus, he could definitely feel eyes boring into his back. "A little- no, yeah I do feel like I'm being watched."

                    "It's creepy," Tommy muttered. "I feel it too. But we're the only ones in here! I'm just.." The teenager sighed. "I'm confused. And a little scared."

                     "I agree." Tubbo sighed. The crimson wood started to appear and the pair made their way out of the tunnel, popping out into Manberg.

                     "I think we should take the long way home on our way back, Tubbo."

                     The shorter teenager nodded. Then they set off to go find some things to snag for Pogtopia. Be it information or items.

                     Schlatt growled, glaring down at a book, quill in hand. He dropped the quill into the book and slammed it shut, shaking a bottle of ink that sat on his desk. Suddenly it felt very cold. The president shivered and stood up, leaving the large white building, one that resembled a government building.
                      He pulled on the edges of his suit-jacket. He thought he heard voices, so he turned his head and looked around- no one was nearby, which set him on edge. Someone could be using an invisibility potion to stalk him. He tried to focus and look for potion particles, but found none of the sort. Just dark, swirling shadows that did not look natural. The president quickened his pace and went towards where the festival was held.

                      Wilbur dug through a chest in the ravine that he, like a few others, called home. Techno stood nearby- or rather leaned -while boredly sharpening and polishing his sword. A cold breeze seemed to sweep through the ravine with a hiss, making the pair shiver.

                     "What was that?" Techno mumbled, glancing towards the direction the so-called breeze came from.

                     "No clue," Wilbur replied as he shut the chest he was looking through. He turned to follow Techno's gaze. "Whatever it was gave me chills."

                     "Same here." The pink-haired man huffed, shoving himself off of the stone wall that he was resting on.

                     Wilbur's nose scrunched up and he began to follow where the breeze came from, Techno hot on his heels. They were heading towards the tunnel that the teenagers had gone down.
                      A noise came from up ahead- it sounded like laughing. A lot like Tubbo's. The two glanced at each other, as they continued down the wooden path. When they reached the source of the sound, only a shadow was there. It was shaped just like Tubbo. Almost like a shell of the boy.
                     "What the hell-" Wilbur muttered.
                      "Humanss.." The Tubbo-shadow hissed and turned. It had no eyes. Just two, empty eye sockets, and a wicked smile. "Fun play toyss." 

                     "What the fuck-!?" Wilbur yelped as he was pulled by the back of his trench coat. Now he was being pulled away. He glanced towards his captor, only to see Technoblade. Wilbur turned his attention back to the shadow.

                     Except it wasn't there.

                     Techno stopped and Wilbur stumbled forwards, turning to see what happened.

                      A tall figure that neither of them recognized loomed over them, wearing the same wicked grin that the Tubbo-shadow had.

                       "Holy shit..." Wilbur breathed.

                        Tommy and Tubbo decided they'd risk the tunnel again. They had concluded that it was just some weird feeling they had felt in the back of their minds. Bundles of stolen crops and blocks were piled high in their arms and pockets. 
                         That's when they heard a scream.

                         Tubbo stiffened up almost immediately, and Tommy dumped what he could into his inventory. He gripped Tubbo by the arms and tugged him towards the wall, causing the boy to drop a few things.

                        Then Wilbur and Techno ran around the corner. Blood trailed behind them, from who, the teenagers didn't know. Wilbur nearly missed the two boys, but he ducked forward and grabbed them by the arms, dragging them along.

                       "What the hell is going on?!" Tommy hissed as he wrangled his arm from Wilbur, keeping pace rather well. Tubbo just let himself be dragged, stumbling every so often.

                       "Shadow.. It's trying to kill us. Copied Tubbo. Says humans are play things. It hurt us, Tommy. We don't know what the hell that... Thing is!" Wilbur gestured with his free hand towards a wispy, shadow thing that trailed after them quickly. It cackled. It had a very wide, Cheshire-cat-like grin.

                        "What the fuck-" Tommy breathed out. The four of them made it to the end of the tunnel and quickly clambered out.
                        Wilbur basically threw Tubbo out as he scrambled out himself. Tommy and Techno quickly followed up. The four lay sprawled out in the grass, catching their breath. The shadow that was chasing them hissed from below before vanishing completely, leaving a cold chill in the air.

                         "What are you doing here?" Someone called. Wilbur lifted his head and scowled at who he saw.

                          Schlatt looked uneasy, though clearly trying to mask it. His eyes were narrowed as he stared down the four of them.

                          "Schlatt- Schlatt-" Tommy heaved, and sat up. "We nearly fuckin' died. Some shadow thing chased us all the way here. Nearly killed us."

                           "All of us," Techno spoke up, not moving at all except to lift his arm and point at the sky. He was flat on his back, and like the other three, breathing hard.

                           "Pretty sure I saw blood-" Tubbo mumbled and sat up, lounging on his knees.

                            Schlatt looked confused, but also worried. He cast a quick look over his shoulder, then looked down at the worn out Pogtopians.

                            "Look- I saw some weird things too, just this morning. Also involved shadows, pretty sure. Sounded like they were talkin' and shit. Hissing too. Couldn't tell what they said." The man with ram-horns stated.

                            Wilbur stiffened. "Something's wrong. Very wrong. Very very very wrong." He clutched his head and yanked the beanie he wore down over his eyes.

                               Techno sat up finally and winced, inhaling through gritted teeth. He clutched his right arm. His shirt was stained red around the area he was holding.

                                "We need to take this to Dream," Techno muttered and slowly stood up, Tommy shooting up onto his feet and helping the tusked-man up.

                                "I'll help you out, this once." The goat man huffed. "Follow me, I'll find you some healing potions."

                                Wilbur pushed the beanie out of his eyes and stood up, Tubbo following suit. They began to follow Schlatt towards the election-podium thing.





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