Chapter 9

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                    Eret crossed his legs as he listened.

                   Tommy was talking about how they first encountered the shadowlings, then Techno continued when he and Wilbur found the shadow-Tubbo look alike. Then the man told him about how they met the deities. 

                    "Yeah, that one. Jupiter, right? He's so tall." Tubbo stretched his arms in the air, trying to show how tall the god was.

                    Neptune huffed. "Jupiter is tall, yes. But members of our council are giants."

                    "Woah, really?" Tubbo gasped.


                    "That's insane." Eret chuckled. 

                    "Quite." Neptune nodded.

                    Uranus groaned.

                   "What?" The navy blue deity questioned.

                   "Mercury is on his way."

                   "...I don't see how that's bad?"

                   Uranus huffed and a ball of fire shot down a few blocks away from the group.

                    The flames disappeared and Mercury stood there. The red dog hissed.

                    "Do you have any idea what the hell is going on back home?!" The flaming canine snarled as he stomped over, glaring at Uranus and Neptune.


                   "EXACTLY! YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO SATURN! FOR FUCK'S SAKE." Mercury's tail of fire whipped dangerously close to Schlatt and Quackity.

                    Neptune narrowed his eyes.

                    Mercury inhaled and exhaled. His mane of fire seemed to flicker and become smaller. "The court wants to ally with the fucking shadowlings."

                    Uranus' jaw opened in shock while Neptune's eyes widened. Pluto and Eris gasped.

                    "Do they have any idea what they're doing?!" Eris snapped.

                    "Obviously not, Eris!" Mercury hissed. "They're going to bring our realm into civil war!"

                    The red dog dug his claws into the ground. 

                     "Why hasn't anyone done anything?" Neptune spoke calmly.

                     "Catori told us that 'thE cOurT'S WorD iS FinaL'. Bullshit. It'll be 'final' when the realm falls into fucking chaos and death." Mercury's mane spiked up, flames roaring in bottled-up anger.

                       "We should riot." Eris hissed coldly.

                        "That's exactly what we shouldn't do." Mercury huffed. "We don't need more conflict right now. Jupiter and Saturn want to see what the people will do. I personally think they're going to riot and attack the court themselves."

                        "Then what? What're we gonna do then?" Pluto grunted.

                         "Beats me," Mercury snapped. "The giants will probably have to speak." The flaming god eyed Uranus and Neptune.

                          Uranus growled. 

                          Neptune sighed.

                           Eret watched the deities yell and snap at each other. He scooched back when Mercury stomped closer to the god and goddess.

                           "What do you want us to do then?" Uranus snapped.

                            Mercury's face held so much anger, he looked like he would explode. "WHAT DO YOU THINK, DIPSHIT? GET UP THERE AND TRY AND STOP THE COURT!" He exhaled sharply. "You know as well as I do that most of us don't get much of a voice with government shit." 

                              Pluto and Eris donned bitter looks.

                              "No one listens to us," Mercury continued, stepping ever closer and shoving his face in front of Neptune's. "I'll get some of the others and get them to help with these..." Mercury lifted his head and glared at Tubbo. "..Humans."

                              Uranus looked like she wanted to protest, but Neptune spoke before she could.

                               "Fine, we will go."

                                Mercury's gaze locked onto the navy blue god and smirked. "Leave your little scouts here. I need the help." He glanced to Eris and Pluto, who stiffened.

                                 "Very well."

                                 "WAIT WHAT?" Eris yelped. "YOU'RE LEAVING US WITH.. WITH HIM?!" 

                                  Neptune narrowed his eyes as he looked to the scouts. Mercury wore a devilish grin.

                                   Eris snapped her jaws shut.

                                   "I'll summon Venus and Haumea down. Maybe Earth while I'm at it. His familiar is good at sniffing shit out."

                                    "Sounds good," Neptune nodded and stood.

                                    Uranus sighed and stood. "Let's go, then."

                                    The pair nodded and ice crusted around them. Then it vanished, and they were gone.

                                    Eris whined and flopped her head on her legs.

                                     Mercury stared off at nothing for a minute, then shifted so he was where the two giants had been laying. 

                                     Two different shapes came from the sky. One was a ball of gas while the other looked similar to an egg, but clear like glass.

                                      Another sprung out of the ground. A block of dirt. The dirt crumbled to reveal a sturdy-looking blue-and-green canine. Small wisps of white circled their head, and a gray cat with darker gray splotches sat between their shoulder blades. The cat had a small stick-figure looking thing on its head.
                                       Out of the egg-shape came a zombie-looking canine. A rib bone dangled from their ribcage. They had fur around their rib bones that looked like it had decayed. A large hoop circled the canine horizontally, lined up with their chest.
                                        The last one was a thin dog-creature. Similar to Mercury, it had a mane, but it was made of gases. Their tail was short, but wisps of gas came from the tip like a fountain.

                                        The blue and green dog blinked, white pupil-less eyes wide. "Wow, this is so different from my region."

                                         "Get used to it fast, dragon-boy," Mercury hissed. "Shadowlings are infesting this area bad."

                                         "That is not my name, but whatever." The deity smiled. They turned to look at the humans.

                                   "I haven't seen these in centuries.." The zombie gasped as they lumbered forward. The one nearest to them, Techno, backed away and scrambled up. Wilbur sat beside him and he stood and backed away as well.

                                   "Don't scare them you idiot." Mercury snapped.

                                    "Oh- whoops." The zombie backed away slightly, ears flicking back for a second.

                                   "Mercury quit being a dick." The dog with the gas mane huffed, slinking forward and coming face-to-face with the pair that had backed away. "Hi, I'm Venus. This is Haumea."

                                    "Oh, oh, oh! Me next! I'm Earth! This is Moon!" Earth barked excitedly, jumping forward. The cat meowed and hopped onto Earth's head to look at the players better.

                                     Each of the deities stood a few feet taller than Mercury. Earth had a few bandages around his neck, legs and ribs.

                                     Mercury narrowed his eyes at Earth. "What the hell happened to you?"

                                     "You know the dragons in my region..?" Earth chuckled. "Well uh, had some issues with them and they kinda burned some of my fur in areas."

                                       Mercury sniffed.

                                        Tommy ran up to the three, pushing between Techno and Wilbur. "Holy shit, you guys look epic." 

                                          Tubbo popped up beside him with an enthusiastic nod.

                                          Earth's cat meowed.

                                           Earth gasped. "THAT IS SO RUDE MOON! DON'T SAY THAT!"

                                            Moon meowed again and hopped onto the ground.

                                           "You better be sorry," Earth huffed down at the cat.

                                           Venus snorted in amusement.

[DISCONTINUED] Deities [Dream SMP AU]Where stories live. Discover now