Chapter 3

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                     Quackity narrowed his eyes and glared at the sky.

                    He assumed his current stance looked stupid, but the sky was being weird today.

                     First, rain clouds just rolled in out of complete no where, then rain just started pounding down. The rain almost instantly stopped after a few minutes. And Quackity was sure  that rain wasn't supposed to do that, and he was sure he saw something that looked like a meteor crash near the 'fairgrounds'. 

                     He had decided to go rummaging around for things to steal in Manberg because he was bored, and that's when the weird sky stuff started, and stopped.

                      Quackity gripped the pommel of his sword tighter as he neared where the festival was held. He quickened his pace and made his way up the hill.

                      "Shadowlings are the equivalent to villains in this realm," Quackity stiffened- that wasn't a voice he recognized at all. He began to slow down.

                       "Shadowlings are pieces of shit," Another unfamiliar voice spoke, a hiss lacing it.


                       "I think we've established that these... Shadowlings.. Are bad and all, but we haven't heard much about you." Now that was a voice Quackity recognized- Schlatt.

                        Quackity edged around the corner, not grasping anyone's attention just yet. He gaped when he saw the three dog-figures. One turned its head toward him- it was a full on skeleton. It turned its head towards the tallest of the trio, whom turned its head to Quackity.

                       Fuck fuck fuck fuck- Quackity pressed against the corner of the building as a pair of dull eyes bore into him.

                       "Hey, Big Q!" Tommy waved at the suit-wearing man, who relaxed slightly. If they were okay- they being his friends -he should be fine, right?

                     "Hey, Tommy!"

                    Quackity pushed away from the wall with his free hand, his other still holding his sword. He made his way around the three- one was literally on fire and didn't seem to give two shits -while the other two were just plain creepy.

                    The one on fire narrowed its eyes. "What's your name, human?"

                    That made Quackity flinch. They can speak? He thought, shifting to stand between Tommy and Dream. "Uh- I'm Quackity."

                     "Mercury," The red dog-look-a-like hissed. A small bit of smoke left its jaws.

                      "..What are these things?" Quackity whispered, leaning towards Tommy.

                      "Dunno," The boy shrugged. "But they told us about these things called shadowlings."

                      Quackity opened his mouth to speak, but closed it once the tallest of the dog-group started speaking.

                      "We are gods from another realm," It flicked its ears. "Ours neighbors Escanba."

                       Quackity looked flat-out confused. He turned to Dream this time, who leaned over and started to explain about the shadowlings and their attacks.

                       "I am curious about one thing," Techno piped up, getting the gods' attention. "Why're you named after planets?"

                        "I believe we are named after your human gods. What were they- Roman gods?" Jupiter- Quackity had been told -turned to Saturn. Saturn nodded once. Jupiter looked back to the humans. "Yes, those. We did not have names when we fought alongside some natives of this realm. Though, I think the humans who named us said there were planets named after 'Roman' gods and goddesses."

                         "That makes a bit more sense." Techno shrugged. "I guess."

                          "Look gramps," Mercury grunted. "Think we gotta go. Just got informed about somethin' goin' down back home."

                          Jupiter looked annoyed a the nickname, but otherwise nodded. "Very well. We will come to your aid when needed, humans. Take care."

                          Jupiter vanished in a cloud of smoke, while Mercury was engulfed in fire. When they were gone, Saturn nodded and was struck by lightening- in broad daylight, not a raincloud in sight- and vanished.

                          "Holy shit, that was epic!" Tommy exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air.

                          "I guess." Techno huffed.

                           George crossed his arms, staring Sapnap down, who was holding a flint and steel and wearing a nervous smile.




                             "Give me the flint and steel." George held out his hand, palm facing up.


                               Sapnap dropped the flint and steel in George's hand with a pout.

                               "You're not lighting anything on fire today." George snorted, stuffing the fire-maker into his inventory, which he brought up with his right arm and a digital panel.

                                 Then the air got colder, making the two shiver. They were hanging out in the community house.

                                  The shadows curled in the corners, seeming to creep along the walls. No- they were climbing across the walls. And were making their way towards the two men by the staircase.
                                   The weird thing was, the sun was high in the sky.

                                    Sapnap glanced at the nearest door-frame, then towards a wall where the shadows settled into the crevices of bricks and windowsills.

                                    "..Weird.." He muttered.

                                    George seemed to notice it too, staring at a shadow which twisted and curled, almost like it was uncomfortable with being pinned by a pair of eyes.

                                    It shot out with a screech, wearing a wide grin.

                                    George screamed. Sapnap dove forward and grabbed George's arm and turned towards a door, dragging the man behind him. The door was blocked however, by a looming shadowy figure. One might mistake it for an Enderman if it weren't transparent.
                                      Sapnap whipped out his sword, George shakily following suit. The shadow only laughed.

                                       "Stupid humansss..." It hissed, two shapes forming at its sides that resembled arms, clawed hands at the ends. "You will never see the likes of daylight again..."

                                        Sapnap didn't wait for it to finish it's little speech, though, and shoved his sword through it.

                                         Through it.

                                         Nothing happened.

                                        "Stupid human!" It cackled.
                                         The shadow twisted into some serpent. It had no eyes, or rather, looked like it did. It had empty eye sockets.

                                         It slithered around very quickly to be behind the pair, lunging forward and snagging George on the arm. He grit his teeth and whipped around, ignoring the tears of pain in the corners of his eyes. The Brit stabbed at the shadow, which recoiled. 
                                          The snake curled into a small dragon, which was the size of a large dog. It screeched and went to ram into the man, were it not for Sapnap gripping him by the back of his shirt and yanking him out of the door. 

                                          "RUN!" Sapnap screamed as George gained his footing and followed his friend through the fence arch and towards Eret's castle.
                                            George cast a look over his shoulder, and wish he hadn't.

                                             A massive wyrm was now slithering after them. Again, empty eye sockets. But it no longer wore the creepy Cheshire cat smile.

                                            But the most terrifying thing about it was that it was very fast. And gaining quickly.

                                             George picked up his pace, if that was even possible, and frantically lifted his left arm, albeit awkwardly. A digital panel popped up and he began to type into the chat. He didn't care about typos at this point.


<Dream> What?


                                           George shut the chat there and kept running, following Sapnap away from Eret's castle and towards the river. They jumped in and began to swim away. George swore he heard a muffled screech as they dove deeper and followed the current down the river.
                                             After a few minutes, both needed to resurface, so they did. They gasped for air and swam over to the riverbed, sending a quick glance to each other before looking around for the shadow-thing.
                                             Thankfully it wasn't nearby.

                                             So the pair collapsed on the riverbed and took air into their burning lungs.
                                            After a while, they heard footsteps coming their way. George lifted his cheek off of the gravel he and Sapnap were currently resting on. 

                                              A group consisting of Dream, Techno, Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Quackity and Schlatt came running their way. George blinked- he hadn't supplied coordinates, so he was surprised they had found Sapnap and himself.
                                             Then George remembered the bite he got from the shadow-snake thing, and sat up slowly. It started to burn, but instead of blood, it was oozing a black liquid. It was steaming, very acid-like. George winced.
                                               "Ah geez-" Sapnap muttered and knee-walked over, having a look at the snake bite. "You think that thing had venom?"
                                                "Hope not." George grit his teeth and inhaled. He was thankful his glasses were over his eyes.
                                                 "What happened?" Dream asked as the group came closer.

                                                  "Some shadow thing attacked me and George," Sapnap supplied, trying to get the black ooze that came from George's wound to stop. "It bit George as a snake thing and we don't know if it was venomous or not."

                                                     Techno winced.

                                                    "You don't happen to have bandages on you, do you?" Sapnap finally turned to look at the group.

                                                      "Ehh.." Tommy and Tubbo shrugged.

                                                     "Here," Dream started ripping the lime green fabric of his hoodie sleeve, then when it was a sizeable amount, came over to George and wrapped the fabric over the wound.

                                                       The black, acid-like liquid burned through easily.

                                                       "Agh!-" George hissed in pain and gripped the wound with his left hand, almost instantly drawing it back and shaking it. "It burns.."

                                                       "Maybe dunk it in the water?" Wilbur spoke up.

                                                        "I have a water bucket," Quackity spoke up and jogged over, setting the bucket down on the gravel.
                                                     Dream dropped the piece of hoodie fabric into the water, then brought it back up and put it over George's arm. It sizzled, but didn't burn through.

                                                       "If that thing bit you, and caused that to happen," Sapnap waved at George's arm. "Then let's just hope it won't burn you up from the inside out."
                                                        That made the Brit wince.

[DISCONTINUED] Deities [Dream SMP AU]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें