Chapter 8

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                                   Jupiter snarled. "Yes, but that decision will ruin how things run in Escabaria!"

                                    A massive figure flicked its tail. Eight eyes narrowed at the god.

                                  "The court has spoken," It hissed. Its voice was like multiple people talking at once. "And that is final."

                                   Jupiter lashed his tail. Mercury and Saturn stood on either side of him.

                                    Mercury let out a rippling growl. "What will the people think? They will riot!"

                                   Saturn nodded.

                                   The figure's eyes seemed to narrow more. 

                                   This will start a war like no other, Saturn's voice echoed throughout their minds. This is not a wise decision, Catori.

"Silence!" Catori roared, standing and slamming a huge paw down. "I said the court's decision is FINAL! There is nothing we can do now."

                                     Mercury hissed.

                                     Catori gave one last snarl before turning and leaving the large room.

                                      "This will tear Escabaria up from its roots," Mercury huffed as the trio turned and left through a large door. "What was the court thinking?!"

                                      "No one knows what the court thinks," Jupiter sighed. "They keep things to themselves. But this decision will kill us all."

                                       Allying with the shadowlings? Saturn's voice hissed in their heads. We will be doomed for eternity. The shadowlings will come after us once they have access to our lands and destroy it, then take power for themselves.

                                       "The court can be dumb." Jupiter inhaled.

                                        "It is dumb, Jupiter." Mercury huffed. The three of them came up to a white building with pillars and designs of all kinds swirling in the quartz.

                                         "Oh, you're back," A voice echoed through the somewhat quiet building.

                                         "Yes we are, Venus." Jupiter hummed. The clicking of claws and bone on the smooth floor filled the silence of the main room.

                                          "Where's Neptune and the others?" Venus walked up to the three. She had a billowing cloud of gas from her head that looked like a hyena mane.

                                           He did not wish to come back, Saturn explained. He wanted to saty behind and keep the humans safe. The shadowlings are back and are attcking full force. Uranus and the younglings stayed with him as well.

                                            "Ohhh, okay." Venus nodded. She turned and beckoned for them to come. Like Mercury, she wore no flower crown. 

                                             Mercury huffed a small cloud of smoke and followed the goddess, Jupiter and Saturn not far behind.

                                               "The others had begun to work on some matters in their regions," Venus hummed, hopping down a small set of stairs, the smooth flooring being replaced by carpet. "Apparently Earth had some issues with his region- Something about massive dragons and wyverns. He took care of those, I think."

                                                "Anything else?" Jupiter asked as they came into a living area. Large dog beds and bean bags were strewn about to replace actual furniture. 

                                                 "Uhh," Venus thought for a moment. "Oh! Haumea was taking care of your familiars, Saturn. But they apparently got loose. We had to help them get the familiars back into their living space."

                                                 Saturn made a noise between a snort and an inhale.

                                                  A thin, undead-looking dog came in from another room. A large ring circled around them horizontally. "Haha, yeah. Titan was kind of hard to get back in. Kept roaring at some wall like something was there."

                                                   I'm assuming nothing was there? Saturn asked, amusement lacing the voice in their minds as the skeleton settled onto a bed.

                                                   "Nothing at all," The zombified deity came down another small flight of steps and into the carpeted room, slipping over to a bed by a fireplace, which was flickering.

                                                   "I bet there was something," Venus snickered. "Familiars just tend to be like that. Probably some spirit or something."


                                                    "Hey guys!" A blue dog came in. Splashes of dark green littered his coat. A few bandages wrapped around his middle, neck and legs.

                                                    "Earth." The zombie-like deity hummed. "How'd that run in with the big lizards go?"

                                                     "Not very well," Earth chuckled. "I still have a few burns and spikes from when one with spike-darts shot them at me. I hard about the familiar break-out. How'd that go for you, Haumea?" 

                                                      "Not very well," Haumea laughed. "Dione wanted to rummage through the food again. Titan was roaring at some wall, and Mimas was trying to fight one of my familiars." 

                                                    "Hah!" Earth laughed and curled up on a fuzzy beanbag.

                                                     Mercury huffed and slid around the beds and to the fireplace, yanking out a flaming bed and setting it on the carpet. Embers flew around, but the carpet didn't burst into flames.

                                                      A tall, dark red dog came in from the same room Haumea did, holding a bundle of papers by a ribbon. "Reports from my region, again."

                                                       "That's lovely Mars," Venus yawned. "I think you have the busiest region out of all of us."

                                                         Mars rolled their eyes and settled onto the carpet to read the papers.

                                                         "So, what did the court say?" Earth piped up and looked to Saturn and Jupiter. 

                                                        Mercury scowled and spoke before they could. "They want to make peace with the shadowlings. How dumb are they?! The shadowlings will tear us apart from the inside out, then take control of our realm. They'll drive us out!"

                                                          Earth gasped. Mars looked up from their reports with wide eyes.

                                                          "You can't be serious." Haumea snarled.

                                                         "That's outrageous!" Venus hissed. "We've been at war with the shadowlings for millennia! No one will want to make peace with them!"

                                                            "Exactly." Jupiter huffed. "it will cause a war inside of Escabaria."

                                                          Catori has said there was nothing that could be done now. The court's decision is final. Saturn spoke.

                                                        "Bullshit!" Mars hissed. "The people will attack the court when they've heard what they've done. It will force them to change their decision."

                                                         "Conflict is the last thing we need right now," Jupiter sighed. "We have a new threat of shadowlings in the human realm. We cannot afford anymore injury from any one of us." 

                                                          "The city will be torn to pieces anyway," Earth huffed. "That will cause a fight. We just have to hope that no one will come to us. We have enough to deal with, with our regions and the new threat."

                                                          "Have you informed the court of the shadowlings in the human realm?" Venus questioned.

                                                        We tried, Saturn said, a ragged sigh sound coming from them. They will not listen.

                                                          "Dumbasses," Mercury growled. "They're going to pay for this, whether it be from us or the people."

                           A sound of agreement passed through those in the room before it fell into silence.


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