Back to Work - 13

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2 weeks later - Rosa's POV

It's been 3 weeks since the accident and Amy still hasn't woken up. The doctors have told us she should be out of it soon, but nothings happening. I don't want to say this but, i'm starting to loose hope.
I had an early shift for work this morning which was not fun. I was up until 3am last night with Amy at the hospital, trying to give Jake some time to sleep. It's not that I minded being with Amy- it just sucked that I had to be at work by 6 in the morning.
I made myself a cup of coffee. The burn as the liquid flowed down my throat woke me up a little. I almost chug it. I'm definitely going to regret that later.
I was one of the first to arrive to the precinct for the day shift, so I didn't know many of the night shift workers. The first to come in was Gina, surprisingly. And she seemed very awake for 6:30am.

"Wow Rosa, you look horrible!"

I didn't even respond, just death glared her as she laughed and walked over to her desk. I refocus and open the case that has brought me so much pain for the past 3 weeks.

The case that started this all.

We have had absolutely no leads to who could have bombed us. Of course our first instinct were Hamilton's weapon smugglers, but we managed to catch them all. They confessed everything- but had no idea or connections about the bombing.
     We found out more about their whole weapon trading system, but nothing linked us to who or whom could have planted the bombs.
     It's so frustrating- all I want to be able to do is tell Amy who did this to her when she wakes up. But, who knows if that will even happen.
The chime of the elevator door caught my attention. I looked up and saw Boyle walking through, already holding a cup of coffee. He seemed off in a way. I couldn't really tell though, the vibe just felt off.
His steps were quick coming from the elevator and into the bullpen. "Guys," he states, catching the rest of the rooms attention. "He's back."
We all sit in collective silence, analyzing each other's faces of shock. Truth be told, I was in shock too. I wasn't expecting him to come back until Amy was awake.
Once the chime of the elevator rings again, we all turn away. I try to focus on the paper in front of me, but I can't help but turn in my chair.


It's the first time in a whole that i've seen him in clothes like that. A blue and grey flannel patterned shirt laid buttoned up with a black tie hanging from his neck. Black jeans cover his legs along with dirty white tennis shoes.
He doesn't have his badge or gun with him, I guess that was taken away when he took leave. His face was neutral. Showed no sign of sadness but yet- no happiness.
He doesn't look at anyone around the quiet bullpen, just walks straight to Captain Holts' office. I make eye contact with Gina, and she gives me a weird glance.
A few minutes go by and the door to Holts' office opens again, Jake walking out with the badge hanging from his neck. I watch as he goes over and sits at his desk- it hasn't been touched since he went on leave.
The first thing he does is looks up in front of him. At Amy's desk.
I can see how hard he struggled to hold back emotion. He bit his bottom lip and bawled up his fingers into fists. He slams one of his fists into his thigh and then releases a breath. God, I feel so bad.
Nobody says a word to him for a while. We all just stuck to our work. Unfortunately, I was having issues with being able to move along in the case with Amy, and my only hope was getting the best detective on this. That person was Jake.
It takes me a minute to walk over to his desk. He noticed, and gives me slight nod of his head. I sat in the chair besides his desk. I take a deep breath- preparing for how Jake may react to this.

"I need your help."

I catch his eye, he looks up from what he was working on. I wasn't quite sure what it was. "Shoot."
I grab the file and gently set it on his desk instead of throwing it like I usually do. I know now that every move I make could set Jake off, and I really don't want that for him- or anyone- right now.
He looks away from me and down to the file. I can tell that he immediately knew what it was. His whole body tensed up, but quickly returned to normal.
He doesn't say anything first, just opens the folder and flips through the limited amount of evidence inside. He runs his hands through his hair, letting out a deep breath. "Of course I'll help. We are going to need all the help we can get."
We meet eyes again, and he gives me a genuine smile. Then I do something that's not like me. I reach out to him and grab his hand. "We will get to the bottom of this Jake." He doesn't say anything back, just gives my hand a squeeze.
A smile peels onto my face and relief rushes over me. That was the best thing that could have happened. "Charles, Terry, come over here." Jake says while releasing my hand.
As they all gather around Jakes' desk, I get a feeling of joy. We haven't had the team together like this in- well since Amy. Although this joy doesn't last long because the last part to our puzzle, our team, was gone.

happy 2021 everyone! i am sorry for the slow updates. i hope you are all doing well and have stayed safe. also, thank you so so much for 10k reads. it's incredible how many of you enjoy this story, it makes me so happy. sending love to all of you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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