Fifty-Two Hours - 10

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tysm for 6k reads, I love you all <3


Jake's POV

It's been 52 hours. 52 hours since i've forgotten how to live. 52 hours without sleep, 36 hours without food or water, and 52 hours since i've gotten to see Amy.
       I don't want to remember what happened after I saw Amy laying in the rubble of the building, even though it's the only thing I can seem to think about.
I hear the ding of the elevator door open and see Rosa walking to me with a cup of coffee. She gives me a small smile and I try my best to give one back.
The smell of the fresh coffee makes the fuzzy smell of the hospital waiting room vanish for a few seconds but rushes back in when I place the cup down on the table in front of me. Rosa sits down and we both don't say anything for a while.
"How are you holding up?" she asks me, it takes me a while to get words out of my mouth. "Not good," I say hoarsely. I can feel the dryness creeping in the back of my throat. I should ask or just go get water but I don't have the energy or motivation to.
I can feel Rosas' eyes glance over to me. "Jake, please just get some rest. You don't look normal." She's probably right, I haven't seen what I actually look like in 52 hours but I can feel the heavy bags under my eyes and the cracking of my lips as I try to lick them with my dry tongue.
"I'm fine, promise." I say as I rub my fingers into my eyes. "Jake..." I feel Rosas hand gently grab my lower arm and my face starts to get warm. I can't say how many times i've cried in the span of the past 52 hours. I bite my lip hard so tears don't fall from my eyes. I can feel a trickle of blood fall into my mouth.
I look down at my lap and take a deep breath. "Jake I know you want to see Amy right now, but you also need to think of yourself. The doctor has told us that she is doing okay, we just can't go in and see her. You need to get some rest. For you and her." I nod slightly, still looking down at my lap. "How about this. I'm off all day today, i'm gonna be here all day with you, so you can get some sleep and have some company okay?"
I finally look up at her with teary eyes and say yes. I couldn't say no, she's doing this for me and honestly I really need someone here with me right now. Charles would be here but he is so deep into a case right now he can't get that much time off.
I stand up and tell Rosa I needed to go to the bathroom. I walk down the hallway and take a left. I already know this place so well, but all I want to do is forget it. I walk in and go to the sink, splashing my face with water. I look up at myself in the mirror for the first time in 52 hours, i've managed to avoid it since i've come to the bathroom and god.
My hair has formed clumps of curls with a shine of grease. My lips are chapped beyond repair, and my skin is dry. The bags under my eyes were dark and my clothes were filled with wrinkles. I look like I have lost a part of me, which I have. I haven't seen Amy in 52 hours and I don't know how much longer I can take it.
I let the cold water run through my fingers and shake them off a little, then running them through my knotted hair. I tear some paper towels from the holder and toss them into the trash.
I walk out of the bathroom and see Rosa running towards me. "Jake! The doctor said you can see Amy!" I feel my heartbeat stop and start again. I immediately run past her and all the way up to the doors I haven't seen behind in the 50 hours i've been here. I see the familiar face of the doctor who has been in and out of the doors waiting for me.
"Mr. Peralta, great to see you again. Before you go in there, there is a few things I need to let you know." I nod while clamping my hands together over and over again. "Amy still isn't awake, and I couldn't tell you when she will be up. We had to put her in a medically induced coma." I can already feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "Also, she is still just coming out of a surgery so be very careful around her. Try your best to be quiet, even though she might not be able to hear much, loud noises might cause unwanted thoughts. Other than that you are free to be in her room now."
My mouth starts to form a smile. "Thank you, so much." I say as I shake the doctors hand. "Follow me."
The doors open to a long and wide hallway. It's silent other from the ticking clocks on the walls and the echoes from the heart rate monitors. He takes me near the end of the hall and we come up to room 315. "It's all you from here."
I open the door and see Amy laying on a hospital bed, motionless. Chords are running from her to machines I don't know what are used for. Her slow breathing echos through the room, along with my choppy breaths and gulps that are holding back my tears. Her face is pale, and her body looks smaller than usual.
I walk over to the side of her bed and feel a tear run down the side of my face. I pull up a chair from the table next to the bed and sit down. I gently grab her hand and lock her fingers into mine.
It's like nothing ever changed, her hand still fits perfectly in mine. I start running my thumb over the back of her hand and just looking at her beautiful face.
As I do, it all hits me. I let out a loud sob and hunch over her. I let the tears run down my checks and down my neck. "Amy- i'm so sorry! I'm sorry babe! I'm- i'm here now." I say, catching my breath in between. She doesn't move, other than her chest raising up and down. I can feel the salty tears in my mouth and wipe them with my free hand.
I move that hand onto the side of her face and cup it. I push a strand of her hair that had fallen into her face behind her ear. The warmth of her face shocks my cold hand.
I slow down my tears enough to look at her face with clear eyes.
"Ames, i'm right here, okay. And i'm not leaving any time soon." I tell her and give her hand a little squeeze.
     I sit with her for a while in silence, just taking in the fact that Amy is alive. I hear the door open and turn around to see Rosa walking in. Her makeup looked smudged and her eyes were cloudy, but her lips were in a smile. She makes her way over to me and Amy, placed her hand on Amy's leg while wrapping her other arm around me.
      She didn't need to say anything to me, or me to her. She needs someone to be with her just as much as I need.
     "Glad she's okay." Rosa breaks the silence, "I couldn't tell you how happy I am to see her here right now."
     I look over to her then back at Amy. "Same here Diaz." She chuckles and give me a little squeeze. "I'm going to get us lunch, be back soon Peralta." She walks over to the door. "Thank you." I say as she is about to leave.
     "You're welcome." She says and walks out. The smile doesn't wipe away from my face as I look down at Amy, it only grows more knowing that I still have her here in front of me.
   "Everything's gonna be okay Ames,
I promise."

thank you all so much for sticking with me though this book so far, even thought I take months to write more. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed this chapter! be on alert for the next chapter to see what happened right after the explosion.

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