Code Word - 9

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1 year ago ~ Jake's POV

         Work was slower than ever today. I had absolutely no cases to work on and crime was actually going down in Brooklyn, that's a first. And everyone around me seemed to have nothing to do either. I ask Amy if she had anything for me to work on and she just says, "Jake, your kidding right?" she laughs and just looks back down at the case she was filing. "I'm actually serious for the first time in the 8 years I've worked here. I have absolutely nothing to do. I'm bored." Amy gasped and Rosa turns to face me.
       "Did you just say you were, bored?" Rosa asked, pretending to be in shock. "Ok now I know you aren't kidding babe, you are never bored." Amy says and flips though some files on her desk. "Here, it's not much but I cant seem to find any new leads, ask Captain Holt if he can make you lead on this case."
      She tosses a file wit barley any paper inside of it over to me. I open it; it was a stolen car, but not just any car, a 2017 Tesla model S. "This? Nothing?" Ames." I say and gasp at her. "What? You know I don't have any interest in cars." "Now this will keep me distracted from this never ending day."
       I get up and walk to Holts office. I ask him if it was ok to become the lead on the case and to my surprise he said yes. I think his day has gone nowhere either.
I take 20 minutes to analyze the file and already start to see a new lead. I don't think any recognized that the picture of the car stolen had a missing part of its bumper, and there looks to be something inside the miss part. I had to find this car. The main suspect was listed at the top, so I look him up in the system.

Martin Donovan | DOB 3/5/86 | M
previous crimes include;
-stealing from a supermarket
-unpaid car tickets

19461 fallcrest street,
Brooklyn, NY, 11204

Yeah, this had to by my guy. "Alright 99 guess who got a lead and is actually going to complete something today!" I shout. They all groan and roll their eyes. "Aw shut it you're just jealous." Nobody says anything besides Amy who laughs. I grab my jacket and keys and head out. Amy mouths 'I love you' and I do it back.
I finally arrive to the suspects house and walk up to the door. I knock once. No answer. I try again. "NYPD please open up, I just have a few questions." We'll that worked. He opened the door. "How can I help?" He responds. "Oh I just have a few questions to ask you about a car that was stolen from this area a few days ago. Is that ok with you?" He nods and smiles. Seems pretty innocent right? Well while I asked him that question I got a good look around his apartment.
It was very well cleaned, everything looked like it had a place, besides the piece of a Tesla bumper with the keys shoved behind his couch. The other thing I saw was a tripwire next to a set of knives and illegal guns. That made me tense. I knew I couldn't take this man down alone, so I did what I know best.
"Alright so my first question for you- wait dammit, i'm sorry." "For what officer?" he asked while I pull out my cell phone and dial Amy's number. "One second sir I apologize I just forgot this very important thing I needed to tell my girlfriend, she's gonna kill me if I don't call her right now." I tell him. "Ahhh, no worries, I understand."
"Oh he has a girlfriend, not for much longer, after she finds out about this." I though as the phone was ringing. She picks up. "Hey Jake, what is up?" "Oh hey babe! I am so sorry I am just now calling you, please don't be angry." I say "Jake what are you-" "Oh thank god you aren't. Good. You remember how I told you that me and my guys were gonna go out for a game of darts tonight? That's not happening anymore, Tyler is sick and had to cancel. So we can have our date night tonight instead of tomorrow, sound good?"
     "I'll be right there." Amy says. "Alright babe, love you!" I say and hang up. The suspect looks at me with confusion. "Don't worry about it, kind of a long story." I say. "Anyways where were we. Ah, the stolen car." He nods. "My first question for you, have you ever seen this car anywhere around brooklyn?" I show him a picture of the car, and his face slightly turns red. "No I have not."
     "Ok then, that's all I have to ask you, If you have never seen the car, I don't need to worry about you." I say and nod. "Have a good day sir." I say and let him close the door.
       Once I walk down to my car and see he hasn't come back out the door I call Amy. She picks up. "Jake we are 2 minutes away, I brought Rosa and Charles for more backup, you sure this guy is that dangerous?" "100%, he wanted to play darts." "Ok then, I'll pull up and tell us where we need to go."
      She gets here and parks across the street and I jog over to them. I give them a rundown of what was inside. I tell Charles and Rosa to break in through the back, Amy and I in the front. "First I am going to try the kind way but if he tries to run, we all go in, clear?" "Clear." they all say.
Ames and I walk up to the door and I knock again. "Hey Mr. Martin, It's me, the darts guy again, my fellow officer wanted to stop by and ask you a few more questions if that's ok with you." This time he slowly opens the door and reveals him holding a gun in our direction. "Ok sir, I'm gonna need to ask you to put that down, I say as I reach for my gun. "DON'T MOVE, DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" He screams and Amy and I follow what he says, and as I go to grab my gun, I hit my walker talkie to 'listen mode'.
"Sir this isn't going to end well for you if you don't put your weapon down too." Amy says, which signaled Rosa and Charles to come in. We see them sneaking in while our car theft stands clueless. Rosa cocks her gun right behind the mans head and his eyes open wide. "Put the weapon down now!" She yells and Charles does the same thing. He drops it and places his hands over his head.
Rosa cuffs him, her and Charles walk out to put him in the car. Any and I retrieve out weapons and sigh. she places her hand onto my shoulder and says, "I guess today didn't turn out so boring as you though it was going to be."

Later that night at Shaw's Bar

     "Whoo!!" I shout as I hit the bullseye of the dartboard. "Awww damn!" Rosa, Terry, and Charles yell as Me, Amy and Gina shout with glee. "Y'all suck!" Gina yells at the opponents.
     We all end up laughing and going to get the last drink for the night, which means it was time for Holt to make one of his toast to another day on the force. "99 let me have your attention. Today we toast to Detective Peralta for taking down a car theft who turned out to be more than just a car theft, but a smuggler of illegal weapons as well. To Peralta!" "To Peralta!" Everyone cheers and I smile. I really love this squad.
      "So Jake, how did you call for backup without him questioning you?" Gina asks. I look over at Amy. I wrap my arm around her shoulders. "Can I tell them?" She nods, "why not, it was pretty well played off." "Awww thanks babe.-" "Ok get to the point lovebirds!" Gina says and we laugh. "Ok ok!"
     "So back when Amy and I first started to date, we always talked about the day we kinda first told each other we liked each other, which was after a game of darts here at shaw's." I could see Charles eyes fill with happiness and continue, "One night after a really close call that could have gone down hill, we wanted to have a plan to call each other if something really bad was about to happen or needed backup. That plan was just to make up a code word that sounded normal to any other person but just to us it was a warning. That word that we chose was darts."
      "Anyways, we have always stuck to it, and have only had to use it once before today." "And how did you use it in context today?" Holt asked. This is where Amy jumped in.
       "Jake called me and told me that he was going out for a game of darts with some of his guy friends but they canceled so we were gonna have a date night tonight. I instantly knew he needed backup, because one, the word, and two, while Jake was out going to the guys house, I looked though the file again and saw that part of the car bumper was missing, I opened the picture on my computer and zoomed in to see there was a gun lodged in the car where the bumper had been broken off."
      The gang looked shocked, but in a good way. Gina started to clap, then everyone else did too. A few chants and cheers here and there while Amy and I smile at each other. "We make a great team don't we." I say. "Yeah, we sure do."

Yes, another flashback chapter,
but this ones important because without the context of the backstory of their code word, parts of the upcoming chapters wouldn't make sense. anyways I hope you are all enjoying the book!

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