Group Nine - 8

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Before the story starts....
Thank you all so so so much for over 1k reads on just one chapter alone!! That's crazy to think 1,000 different people have read it! Also for 3k on the overall story, that means a lot to me. Thank you all for reading this and I hope you stick around for more <3


Amy's POV

"Group 9, Hale, David, Karter, Santiago, Truman, and Jones. Group 10, James, Stombaugh, Diaz, Lopez, Jeppson, and Peralta." Jake and I instantly look at each other. I can feel the fear rush back into my veins. Why did we have to get split up!
      "Hey hey it's ok, this won't take long at all." Jake says and hugs me. "I know, I know. It's an assignment that we have to complete now." He lets go as Rosa taps his shoulder telling him they had to go. She gives me a smile and walks to their group. "I love you," Jake says. "I love you."
      I head up towards Hale, who was assigned the commander for the group. He told us where we were going to head in the building and that we stay there until command to move. We all agree and wait for the captains to let us go.
      I hate that I instantly though this but, something feels wrong. I say that about every assignment because there always is something wrong, the bad guys duh, but this feels off. Like bad off. I wanted to ask Holt if this was our best option, but I hesitated for too long and he told us to move in.
     The building is almost empty besides the piles of old chairs and tables. We were assigned to one of the only parts of the building that the walls were still up, so our distance to see was limited. We checked the only two rooms that remained, nothing in either.
    We stayed in position for a while, checking the halls time to time. Truman wanted to explore more, he said he felt the 'need to' but we all know he just wanted to leave. He was new to the force just about over a year in the force, but he was an asset. I think this is his first big big task force and it's hitting him hard. We let him know that he is safe and we have his back no matter what, even though deep down I was terrified to move.
"Hey guys, im gonna go check the rooms one more time. Someone else come with me and Karter," said David. Jones and I look at each other and shrug our shoulders. "Sure why not we have nothing else to do." Jones says and I nod. We head to the rooms while Truman and Hale stay at guard.
   After what felt like forever, Holt radioed in. We get signal to the radio and tune in, "All units abort immediately. I repeat, IMMEDIATELY. Exit to your nearest exit and run until we radio back in. Run as quickly as possible, you only have 2 minutes left to escape. There has been intel that this was a setup, there is a bomb in the building. RU-"
The radio goes silent when a pair of hands grabs my upper arm and switched off the radio. I look up to Jones who followed me into room one, and see a man doing the same to him. I instantly swing my elbow into his head but he catches it right before it hits his face. Im trying to squirm my way out but he was too strong. "Let go of me!" I yell and try to reach for my gun. He throws me to the ground and to my surprise I see he had already taken my gun. The same just happened to Jones.
I couldn't proses what was happening. "What did holt say, this was a set up? Where's my gun? Wait why am I bleeding!" I look down to my arm where the man grabbed me and saw his nails had cut through my uniform and my skin.
The men were both wearing masks, I couldn't make out any facial features. "What do you want-" Jones tries to say, but they both pull out guns and point them at our heads. "Say ONE more word and you die." One shouts. My eyes fill up with tears. I dig my hands into my legs and try to find a way to escape or get them to negotiate but I can't talk.
"We gotta go." I hear one of the men whisper and they run for the door, completely forgetting about us. Jones and I get up as fast as possible but they beat us. The men had blocked the door and we couldn't get out.
"It's ok, we will call for backup-" I start to say but Jones cuts me off. "DID YOU NOT HEAR THE RADIO, THIS IS A SET UP WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW! THERES A BOMB!!" He screams and starts throwing himself into the door. All the air gets sucked out of my chest. No there can't be a bomb. No way. Oh my god, there's a bomb.
Adrenaline kicks in and I get a big running start and slam into the door. It breaks open and I fall over, onto a body. I push myself up to see who I just ran into, and lying on the floor was David and Karter. Then I saw it, a metal pole was stabbed through both of them as they lay motionless on the ground.
"Oh my god." I say and fall on my knees. "OH MY GOD NO!" I scream and start bawling. I feel someone pull me up and start running. "Amy we have to go!" Jones says and pulls me out of it. We head towards the closest exit which happened to be the main entrance, sprinting with all that we have.
I saw the light of outside start to appear. "We are gonna make it!" Jones yells, gasping in between. "We are almost ther-"

Suddenly, ringing fills my ears and the light disappears.


I can't move.

I can't hear.

l can't see.

Where am I....where's......where's,


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