Chapter 10 - Where Is This? (Shadow Master's Version)

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A few moments ago,

Shadow Master's PoV
I was sitting on a bed. My mind was playing the memory of what I've experienced today. Starting from after successfully breaking free from the elemental monster's magic a few days ago, I intend to plan the revenge. While i was thinking about how i do it, black holes appeared from various place. I fell into one of them, bobbing in a place with nothing but darkness, dazzled by the appearance of white light, then felt as if being pulled by the force of gravity.

I then arrived at a place in the middle of nowhere. I saw a creature that I had never seen before. Like an ape but not an ape. But before I noticed it any longer, he was already run away.

I walked, looked around. This place turned out to be quite interesting. Maybe I'll take over this place too.

Suddenly a group of creatures came and asked me to come with them. I immediately assumed them to be protective soldiers. My assumption is strengthened by the reactions of the other creatures around that show a look of relief. So I refused it.

And they still insisted on persuading me to come with them.

Three times they tried to persuade me. I finally got annoyed and started attack them.

The fight was inevitable. I fought quite fiercely against them. But of course they are nothing for me.

Suddenly I saw a lioness run towards the battle arena.

Ugh! I hate lions.

I was about to attack that lioness when I realized there was an attack from the back. I immediately turned around and began to attack my attacker. He immediately thrown as soon as he hited by my attack.

I was about to attack him again when suddenly my power couldn't come out. I then turned around and saw that lioness had a face that seemed to say, "Done!"

"Thank you Miss!" Said one 'soldier'.

"You!" I'm angry. I immediately lunged at him. But before I could reach her, I was already caught.

"Don't fight back!" Said the lioness. "If you fight back, I will permanently lock your power. Which means you will never be able to use your power again!"

I'm speechless. I don't want to lose my power forever.

Finally, I decided to be silent and let them take me. Things that really annoy me.

After going through some things, I was finally sent to a charity house.

A home for the displaced person.

Which means that there are many people live there.

During the way to there, I thought about oppressing those who live there.

But then I found out that the lioness I was dealing with was actually the subordinate of the owner of this charity house.

"Wow, it was you." He said in a mocking voice. He then came closer to me and whispered, "Remember! Don't get into trouble! Or I will permanently lock your power. And if that happens, there will be nothing you can do to get your power back."

It sucks! I can't release my irritation.

But that thought changed when I found out that this house has a system of one bedroom for two. Which means I'll get a roommate. I thought that I could release my irritation on my roommate. As long as Miss-Judy doesn't find out, there won't be a problem. And if my roommate tries to report it, I can threat him to shut up.

But again I was upset because I didn't have a roommate.

But not for long. Half an hour ago, I got informed that I will have a roommate.

Oh yeah


Ah, that must be him!

I got up from the bed just as Miss Judy appeared from behind the door.

"Now, your roommate is here! Be fine with him, okay! Remember, don't get into trouble! You don't want your power to be permanently locked, do you... Shadow Master?"

Yes, yes, I know that! Hurry up! I wanted to meet my roommate immediately so I can....

No way!

The door that was only open about a third, now completely open. From behind the door appeared the figure I most hated in the entire universe. The figure I always wanted to get rid of from life. He's the lion who always managed to foil all my plans. Even when I'm just one step more.

Paddle Pop?!

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