Chaptrr 22 - FIND IT!!!...

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Shadow Master's PoV
Huh! That was close. Luckily I arrived at the right time. If not, I can't imagine what happened to me next.

Paddle Pop, you think I don't know your plan! Looking for the right time to tell everything. Pretty smart, Paddle Pop. But too bad, I could already predict that you will do that.

I'll let you rest for a few days. But once you're fully recovered.... BEWARE!!!...


I sat on a chair, in the library. In front of me, there was a thick dark blue book with the words "Rare Powers" written on it. This is the twentieth book I have read in this library. Or thirtieth? Or fortieth? Who knows! I'm not counting it.

Honestly, I'm tired of searching. Since the second day I stayed here, I started looking. And now? Heh, should i just give up?

Huh? Give up? What do I think? No! I can't give up. I'm sure I will-

FIND IT!!!...

I exclaimed in my heart when I saw the table of contents. There's a words that says "Locking the Power of People And Or Other Creatures". And it on page forty-four.

It must be it! I thought.

I quickly opened the page and started reading it. I then understand that Miss Judy's power is very rare. One in a million. I kept reading and finally found what I was looking for

How to Unlock the Locked Power:
If the lock of the power is not permanent, then the lock can only be opened by those who have the ability to lock the power of people and or other creatures. But if the lock of the power is permanent, then the person and or creature whose power is locked will lose their power forever.

I sighed. It means that I absolutely must not make Miss Judy permanently lock my power.

I continued reading and found something.

Additional Info About The Power Of Locking The Power Of People And Or Other Creatures
An ancient record says that pure light from inside can unlock that permanent lock of the power. But until now, researchers have not been able to prove it. Some researchers have assumed that the pure light mentioned in the notes was not an actual intent, but an implied one.

I sighed. The implied or actual, I am a creature of darkness. I'm a shadow creature. The light will only destroy me.

I stared at the book for a long time. Suddenly I felt someone was watching on me. I looked around and found a figure moving quickly hiding itself behind a bookshelf.

Hah, it must be Arumi!


Meanwhile, in Liona and Arumi's room

Third PoV
Arumi was sitting pensively on the bed. Her eyes stared straight at the window. It seems that Arumi is thinking about something.

Her loneliness was disturbed when Liona suddenly entered the room.

"E-eh, Liona..." said Arumi.

"Arumi, let's come help cook porridge for Paddle Pop!" Invite Lion.

"Eh? B-but I can't cook." Reply to Arumi.

"It's okay! I'll help and teach you." Said Liona while grabbing Arumi's hand and taking her to the kitchen.

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