Chapter 7 - Decision

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Third PoV
Mrs. Chery and Police Rico were sitting on the sofa while Paddle Pop asked permission to come out for some fresh air. After everything Police Rico said, of course Paddle Pop needs some time to be alone. He had to try to keep his shaken heart in order.

After a few moments, Paddle Pop returned to the room.


Paddle Pop's PoV
"Feel better, Paddle Pop?" Ask Police Rico.

"Yes!" i answer. For honestly, I was a little shaken. But after pondering outside, now I feel better.

"So..." Mrs. Chery continued, "Your decision?"

I took a deep breath. Actually I could have refuse her offer and chose to have wander. But for now on, I really need a place to rest.

And after pondering on Police Rico's words:

They will fall into the black hole like you. And with any luck, there will be a white hole that pulls them out of the endless darkness. But where they will appear is uncertain.

Plus the words of one of the criminals who caught me this afternoon:

I saw several white holes appear in the sky.

I make the possibility that my friends or my people are one of those who pulls out from the white holes this morning and were sent to Mrs. Chery's Charity house first.

Although the possibility is small, I want to believe in that possibility.

"I want to live in your charity house." I said softly.

"Okay!" Mrs Chery replied. "I will call my subordinates at the charity house to prepare your needs. As soon as everything is ready, we go there."


I'm currently sitting in a chair in an object... car. Yes, car. Meanwhile, beside me was Mrs. Chery who was sitting in the seat that I could assume was the driver's seat.

Mrs. Chery then started the car engine. I felt the car start moving.

"Be careful!" Police Rico said, who was not far from the car I was sitting inside it. "And good luck, Paddle Pop!"

"Thank you, Police Rico! See you soon!" I wave hands to Police Rico through the half open window.

The car drove away from the police station towards the Murah Hati Charity House.

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