Chapter 25 - Lovaliria

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Paddle Pop's PoV
I and my team walked through the forest.  It's been about seven minutes since we left the starting point.  We had crossed the two arrows and continued walking through the forest.

"Look, there is a beautiful flower!" Exclaimed Liona.

I stopped and turned my head to the direction that Liona was pointing. And it's true.  There was a reddish-pink flower poking out of the striking green foliage.

"Wow, yes it's beautiful!"  I said.

"What are you guys looking at?"

I turned to Elbetro.  Elbetro was an ordinary human.  He's the professor's roommate.

Elbetro once told me.  His mother had died when giving birth to him.  Since then, he lived with his father who is an ordinary employee.  Recently, there was a fire in the cluster area where they lived.  Five houses were burned down, including his house.  Elbetro survived despite suffering burns.  But unfortunately, his father did not survive.  Because Elbetro had no family or relatives anymore, the local government finally decided that Elbetro should stay in a charity home.

"Oh, y'all are looking at that flower, aren't y'all?"  Elbetro said again, pointing to the flower we were looking at.

Liona and I nodded.

"You know what flower that is?"  I asked him.

"Of course!"  Elbetro replied.  "That flower called Lovaliria. You can notice it by the heart-shape of the head pistil and stamen. It's a rare flower. It usually grows in hard-to-reach places. For example that one. Around that flower there is a Posioneaf, a plant with poisonous leaves that can cause severe itching on the skin when exposed to the leaves.You can notice it by the striking color of the leaves.

"Oh..." I answered slowly.

"Oh and," Elbetro continued.  "The myth says that whoever manages to pick the flower right from the nature will find true love. Well, but even if you want to pick that flower now, it's better to do not do it! You can accidentally touch those leaves and get itchy. And remember, we are not allowed to go off the beaten path."

I just smiled.  I don't think I need that flower. Because I've already found it.

We then continued to walk.

"Elbetro.." I said as I walked.  "Is there anything else about that flower? Just wodering."

"There are others who say that the flower can give off light. But it has not been proven true until now."  Elbetro replied.


Third PoV
The three of them left the place.  Unbeknownst to them, at the center of the flower, there was a light that slowly faded as they walked away from that place.

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