Chapter Twenty-Six

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A large creature threw itself at Selene but she stood still, holding the small wooden weapon in her hand. She could tell her comrades were watching her when she heard their screams from outside of the cave.

"Selene, move! It's going to kill you!" Selene smiled sadly. If only it were that easy. That once she was dead, she was dead. But alas, there were cloaked angels and demon kings. Right as the creature was about to land on her, she targeted her magic towards the beast. She tried to use all of her powers but she wasn't even close. She could tell that she didn't use all of it which terrified her. Not because she couldn't use all of it, but because of what she stood in front of.

In the place where the beast was standing, nothing but a large pool of blood remained. Fresh blood splattered Selene in a thick coat of red. Somehow, she completely obliterated the huge beast, with only a fraction of her power. Selene stared down at the blood but her face remained completely emotionless. It was either she killed everyone, or her race killed everyone, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Selene?" Elizabeth walked slowly over to her friend. Even though Selene's back was to her, she could tell something was very wrong. Selene didn't bother facing her. Selene accepted defeat before the battle had even started. "What can I do?" Selene chuckled softly to herself.


"Well, there has to be somethi-"

"There isn't. There isn't anything anyone can do. Let's go outside to the others." Selene turned around without looking at her friend and left the cave. Elizabeth watched her walk away in confusion. After a few seconds, she ran from the cave, after Selene. Once she caught up, she grabbed Selene's hand, turning her around to face her.

"Selene, talk to us! What is going on with you? Where are your parents and why are you covered in blood." When Selene didn't even react, Elizabeth started talking again. "Please, Selene. We're all here for you. Just tell us what happened so we can help."

"I simply returned a favor."

"Stop being so cryptic! What are you talking about." Howzer yelled and everyone gasped. They looked over to Selene expecting to see her hurt from his tone but her face was still empty from any emotions.

"My parents killed me so I returned the favor. Oh, and a few knights tried to stop me on my way over here so it seems my death tally has gone up quite a few." Selene watched as everyone looked at her completely shocked. "Now that you know the situation, feel free to share your suggestions." No one spoke. "No one? Great. Oh, and by the way, we are all practically walking corpses. Any questions?" Selene finished her speech with her face still completely blank. Elizabeth gasped and walked away mumbling something about needing to change her outfit. Even though she wasn't lying about needing to change, she used it mostly as an excuse to leave the conversation to think over what her best friend had just said.

"What else did you find out about your powers?" Everyone was shocked when they heard Meliodas's voice. He was the only one able to speak after her explanation.

"I learned it would be awful if I died another time. Something about me only using seven percent of my power right now and becoming a soldier for the Demon King." Meliodas nodded when all of the pieces finally clicked in his head.

"Merlin, could you send me to the Ten Commandments?"

"I'm going with you."

"No, you're not. So, Merlin?"

"It can be done." Merlin then explained to Meliodas it would take her ten seconds to bring him back. Everyone argued while Selene looked at Meliodas with confusion. What did she miss? Before they went into the cave, his power wasn't even four thousand and now he wants to take on the Ten Commandments by himself?

"I'm just going to go give them a little greeting." Merlin snapped her fingers and Meliodas was gone. She then started the countdown while the two druids spoke about Meliodas and how he now had complete control over his anger. Selene let out a slight chuckle.

Must be nice. I'm not even close to that. Selene thought just as they heard a loud noise.

"Jenna, what's all this ruckus?"

"Zaneri, that's...!"

"I'm back." Meliodas said nonchalantly. "Hi." Selene left the group and walked in the direction where Elizabeth went.

"Hey, Elizabeth?" Elizabeth walked from around a corner. "I'm sorry I upset you."

"No need to apologize. I should be apologizing to you, I shouldn't have left."

"I get it. I would have done the same thing. I threw a lot of information at you in a short amount of time." Elizabeth smiled softly.

"Are you okay?" Selene looked down to the ground then back up at Elizabeth with tears in her eyes.

"Honestly, no. But I'm grateful I'm in control of myself again."

"Did you really-"

"Did I really kill my parents and the knights?" Elizabeth nodded softly. "Yes. I did."

"When you weren't in control of yourself, was it just like you were asleep?"

"God, I wish it was. I was trapped inside my head. I had to watch as I killed all of those people and couldn't do anything to stop it. I couldn't even shut my eyes to avoid watching it. It was a living hell." Elizabeth had a few tears in her eyes for her friend. She walked over to Selene and pulled her into a hug.

"With you on our side Selene, I know we can do anything." That single sentence changed everything for Selene. She never realized the positive. She only was thinking if the demons got her everyone would die and not the opposite. If the demons don't have her, they might have a chance. And just like that, Selene had hope again. Not a lot, but enough.

"You're right. You're right! Elizabeth! You're right!" Elizabeth pulled away from the hug confused at the sudden outburst of emotion. "Well maybe not right but on the right track. We might not be able to do anything but we can try to do something! Thank you, Elizabeth. I needed that." Elizabeth looked confused but just smiled and went with it.

"Um, you're welcome? I should get out there. Come on out when you're ready okay? Oh, by the way, there's an outfit for you. I figured you'd show up." Selene nodded and Elizabeth started away from her before looking back over her shoulder. "I'm glad you're back, Selene." The two girls smiled. After a moment, Selene turned to get dressed and Elizabeth ran out to Meliodas.

Selene quickly grabbed her new outfit which was identical to Elizabeth's but instead of blue, it was green. Selene rolled her eyes at how short it was. She washed off then put on the new outfit. She quickly threw her cloak over it and walked outside while everyone was looking at Elizabeth's new outfit. Selene internally laughed when she saw Howzer with wide eyes and pink cheeks.

"Wow. Talk about eye-candy..." Howzer couldn't finish the sentence because Meliodas poked his eyes.

"Let that be a lesson." Meliodas said as he jumped on to Elizabeth. Selene laughed and looked between the two boys.

"I don't know which one of you to kill first." Selene then noticed Hawk out of the corner of her eye and ran to him. For some reason, everyone was ignoring him.

"You're the only one not ignoring me." Hawk said to Selene with tears in his eyes while tackling Selene.


Hi everyone! I hope you're enjoying this story. Thank you all so much for your continuous support on this story. I can't put into words how much it means to me. <3


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