Chapter Seventeen

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I stepped under the cool water of the waterfall. I ran my hand through my matted hair, letting the water flow over my body taking away the dirt and blood. Everything had changed. My life was completely different. One battle ended but a new one had just begun. Even though I was no longer trying to kill the sins and I got to say goodbye to my dad, my grief wasn't even close to over.

But the grief I have now, it's the kind that sticks with a person. The kind you can't let go of. This grief was completely self-caused. I left my best friend while he was dying and I almost killed my brother. No matter how long I stood in the waterfall, it wouldn't be able to wash away this. It can't wash away all of the mistakes I've made.

So much has happened recently. I fought the sins and then I fought with them. I found a new power and part of the truth behind it. I still don't know what it all means. I feel like the weak girl I was just a week ago. A week ago everything seemed normal. I seemed happy and Gilthunder seemed happy. Gilthunder. He was freed from a curse before I even knew it existed.

Was I an awful sister for not noticing? Not noticing he went from talking about the sins nonstop to wanting to kill them. Maybe I was so caught up in my own emotions, I didn't realize I was the only one who lost their father. Gilthunder lost everyone. Zaratras died, our mother is rarely around, and I was distant. He has suffered for so long, alone, but remained strong. So why was I a walking disaster? Why couldn't I grin and bear it like everyone else?

I tilted my head up to watch a bird dart across the sky. It sang and flew around in careless circles. I stepped out from under the waterfall and walked to my bag. I put on my cloak to dry off then put on the clean dress in my bag. I sat down with my old sketchbook and drew the waterfall with the bird flying around it.

"What are you doing?" Ban said softly into my ear making me jump. He chuckled at my reaction and sat down beside me.

"How long have you been here?" I asked him, hoping he wasn't here just minutes ago.

"Jeez, I just got here. Not even a 'how are you' and you're already being rude." He laughed and I sighed in relief.

"Fine, Ban, how are you?" He fidgeted with a pencil, my pencil. I didn't even notice him taking it out of my hand. I looked at him puzzled and he laughed with a grin on his face.

"Too late for that, now I'm curious." I snatched my pencil from his hand and shot him a glare. I returned to my drawing, trying to ignore him. "Were you making out with your boyfriend, Selene? Gilthunder's going to be mad when I let him know you were sucking faces with his best friend." I furrowed my eyebrows, confused about who he was talking about until I realized he was referring to Howzer. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, Ban? Number one, I wasn't making out with anyone and number two, Howzer's not my boyfriend." I watched his shoulders relax slightly but he quickly sent me a smirk.

"Sure. Whatever you say, Selene. You were making out with someone out here. Why else would you be so suspicious?"

"No, I was not. I had to take a shower because I was still covered in blood from the battle. I was 'suspicious' because I didn't know how long you were creeping through the trees for."

"I don't buy it. I think that's just a cover story." Ban joked and I went back to pretending he wasn't there. We sat there for a few hours while I drew in my sketchbook. Unlike me, Ban couldn't sit still. He was in a loop of sitting next to me for a few minutes, then walking around, and then throwing rocks into the lake. The sun started to set and I interrupted his cycle by standing up. He looked over at me then threw the rock in his hand, skipping three times before sinking into the smooth water leaving ripples in its path.

"I'm gonna go, it's getting late."

"Okay, I'll walk you home."

"No, it's okay, I'm going to the tavern to spend time with Elizabeth."

"I'm going there too so you have to deal with me walking with you." I stuffed my sketchbook and pencil in my bag and put it on my back.

"I don't have to do anything." I shot him a smirk and he gave me a questioning glance. I ran off in the direction of the Boar Hat, looking over my shoulder to see a confused Ban. I giggled softly and kept running.

After a few seconds, I heard him sigh loudly and heard footsteps getting closer to me. I picked up the speed now that I knew he was following me. We both were sprinting as fast as we could but he was starting to catch up to me. He grabbed my waist, causing me to trip, sending both of us tumbling to the ground. We landed on our backs next to each other. We were just outside of the woods and in a clearing with small white flowers growing. We both laughed then turned our heads up to the sky, looking at the setting sun.

"I'm glad I'm not trying to kill you anymore." I said while catching my breath from running. My wavy pink hair rested gently on the grass, framing my face.

"Me too." This was one of those moments I wish could last forever. A moment without war and pain. A moment without regret and guilt. We sat there next to each other watching the sunset and then the stars as they appeared in the night sky. I started to shiver, wishing I didn't get my cloak wet earlier. He noticed and pulled me closer to his chest. I silently thanked the goddesses that it was too dark to see my pink cheeks. I didn't pull myself away though because he was so warm. We sat there for a few minutes until I heard soft snoring from next to me. I giggled and sat up slightly to poke Ban. He ignored me and turned his head to the side while pulling me closer to him subconsciously. I laid back down and rested my head on his chest. I looked back up to the stars, taking in their beauty. I glanced back over to Ban whose pale skin was illuminated by the light of the stars. At that moment, I realized why so many girls were after him ten years ago. I blushed slightly and put the thought to the back of my mind. Ban's soft snoring picked up again and I placed my hand gently on his cheek, rubbing it with my thumb.

"We should go back, you're falling asleep." Ban opened his eyes and ran a hand through his hair, letting go of me. He stood up and offered me a hand. I took it and stood up. I went to take my hand back but he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm glad we're friends again."

"Me too. I don't know how I survived these past ten years." I said referring to all of the times I was almost kidnapped or killed growing up.

"It's honestly a miracle with your luck." We laughed and let go of each other. He gently placed his lips on my forehead then turned and started walking back to the tavern. I stood still in shock for a moment then jogged to catch up to him.

"Stop walking so fast!"

"It's not my fault you're short, Selene."

"I'm not short, you're just freakishly tall." He rolled his eyes but slowed down slightly.


Hi everyone, welcome to my first author's note! Sorry this chapter was a little late. This has to be my favorite published chapter so far. Definitely in the top three out of all of the chapters I've written. (I wrote out like forty chapters a few months ago so now I just edit and post them.) I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! 

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