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"It's been a week of me in here. They got our faces plastered all over the fucking news." I speak to my lawyer.

"Forget the news." She suggests. "Khalil is very much alive. So if you did do what they say you did you should plead guilty. Lying under oath is more years than you might think."

I look away. "Where's Cash?" I ask her. They kept us separated for weeks. Meanwhile the streets are talking, my mom and brother are back in town, they got us locked up temporarily until the trial which is this morning. This will be my first time seeing him since that night.

"You shouldn't worry about him," Samatha my lawyer says. "What you need to worry about is what their going to say to you," she motions to me. "I know his bitch ass lawyer Alaia and and let me tell you she'll do anything to get him out even if that means leaving you in."

I touch my cheek that's bruised from the police roughing me up. "Their trying to turn us against one another."

She shrugs. "It's just business. Alright? It's either y'all both go down or one of you goes down."

I look over in the distance at the locked security doors. "What kind of things are they going to ask?"

"Where you were that night, why you broke into Khalil's home, why you stabbed him. They wanted to book you in here for attempted murder and for the murder of Giovanni Chase. But there is no proof that you murdered Giovanni. No witnesses or a trace left behind but the fact that you were in that party that night. But Khalil? Your finger prints are everywhere, on the knife, the alarm system, ripped wires turning the lights out." She explains.

I run a hand down my face. "What about this?" I pull my orange jumpsuit down exposing the purple bruises on my neck. "He did that to me and he hurt Cash can't we say it was self defense?"

"Self defense or not it's still breaking an entering Danielle." She stares at me suspiciously. "But honest with me did you mean to kill him? Why were you there?"

I stare down at the table. "It was nothing. It was all a misunderstanding, things got out of hand he laid hands on me and I stabbed him." I admit.

Samantha points at me. "You better stick by that. Because out there their going to throw everything at you. Regardless you will do jail time because you did in fact break in. So you can plead self defense but he can also considered it's his home you broke into and he's the one who clearly was defending himself."

"They don't know what happened there." I defend myself.

"They know what evidence can prove. And as of now they know that your fathers hooked on drugs, they can tie all of it together. That you had a motive for what you did and it wasn't a coincidence. They can't hold you for Giovanni's death because like I said they have no evidence. But I know Alaia and she's most likely going to flip the story naming Jose seem innocent and like you threw him into all of this. Manipulating him."

"What the fuck?" I scrunch my face up. "I would never do nothin' like that Cash and me go way back. We have history."

"A history that Alaia can make sure involved him following after you like a puppy dog and you letting him." She says.

I shake my head. "Won't nobody come forth about anything they saw especially if Khalil is still breathing."

"You don't know that for sure," she snaps. "As of right now Khalil is in a coma. The hood is raging right now and not to mention the Chase family has a hit out on the two of you."

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