(Y/N) : And the brats?

Nami : They're fine too.

Luffy : See, Momo?

(Y/N) : Told ya, our friends will save those kids.

Shortly, Law and Smoker also came with a rail.

Law : Where's Ceaser?!!

Luffy : Uhh... Me and (Y/N) sent him flying through there.

He points at a gate.

Law : Oi, I thought you promised to kidnapp him!!

Luffy : Yeah, but I got sick of trying to catch him.

Law : Sick or not, that was the part of the plan!!

(Y/N) : Plus, you see this?!

He shows him his cap.

(Y/N) : You see that hole!? That bastard did this!!

Law : What if he gets away?!!

(Y/N) : *sigh* Alright, let's hurry and catch him.

Time skip brought to you by Vivi who was seated with (Y/N) and Sanji and Nami are getting jealous. Meanwhile, (Y/N) fells asleep again.

Law : Oi!!! You guys!!! What are you doing!? Hurry up and get on!!!

(Y/N) : Traffy, we're waiting our nakama.

Chopper : LUFFY!!!

(Y/N) : They're here!!!!

He, Brook and Usopp come up.

Luffy : We're all here then!? Now let's get on this thing!!!

(Y/N) looks at Mochya.

(Y/N) : Chopper, what happened to that girl!?

Chopper : It's a long story. Lets get out of here first!!

(Y/N) : Got it! Get on the rail car!!

He helps them all climbing up.

Brook : But... what do we do about Kin'emon-san!!?

Kin'emon was turned into a stone because of the gas.

The dragon looks at him.

Momo : K...Kin'emon!!?


He jumps at Kin'emon

Brook : Gyaaah!! This eel is attacking!!!

Momo : Father!!! What happened!!?

(Y/N) : Oi, Momo...

Suddenly, a loud explosion occurs shaking the whole rail car.

A rock almost fell on them but Zoro slices it.

Sanji : The passage is crumbling.

Law : We'll be buried if we didn't hurry.

Usopp : Then how can you act so calm!?

(Y/N) : Yosh!! You, lazy bums!! Get a hold on something!! We're rocketing ahead!!!

Boy 1 : Firefly aniki!!!

(Y/N) : Shaddup brat!!!

(Y/N)'s hand lights up.

He walks up to the back of the car.


The car boosts ahead.

Marine 1 : I'd hate for him to be our enemies!!! Although he already is!!!

Kids : WOHOOOO!!!!

(Y/N) : Don't fall of, you brats!

Luffy : I can see the exit!!!

Law : Is there someone who can produce a gust of wind? There's probably that gas waiting for us outside.

Marines : WE'RE DONE FOR!!!

Nami : Ah... I can do that!

Marines : WE'RE SAVED!!!!

Usopp : Nami, blast that wind!!!

He says as he saw the poison gas ahead.

Nami : GUST SWORD!!!

The path clears.

The car runs out the exit.

Everyone : WE'RE OUT!!!!

Luffy : Ah!?

Franky : So they're finally here, I was getting sick of waiting!!!


Usopp, Chopper & (Y/N) : Uoooohhh!!!!

All : IT'S SHOGUN!!!!

They say while there eyes starts to shine.

The kids and the marines also look at Franky.

Everyone : IT'S A ROBOT!!!!

(Y/N) : Ah, I see you're some men of culture as well.

Law : Buffalo and you're Baby-5!!

He yells at two of them who were all wounded.

He yells at two of them who were all wounded

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(Y/N) : Woah, Law. You've got some pretty weird friends, ya know.

Law : They're enemies.

They both start to fly away.

Usopp : Flying enemies are work for a sniper.

Law : Those guys...

He tries to create a room but (Y/N) stops him.

(Y/N) : Oi Oi...

Luffy : Usopp just told you to leave it to him.

Zoro : Don't underestimate our sniper just because he has a long nose.

Nami also walks up.

Nami : We formed an alliance. I'd appreciate if you trusted us a bit.

Zoro : What alliance?

(Y/N) : Oh-ho, You're gonna love this one, Zoro. Hihihi....

(A/N) : Dressrosa is next.

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