Chapter 1

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

First day of senior year! I never thought this day would come. I worked so hard over the summer so that I could breath easy this school year. I still had to work hard but I would be able to let loose a little now because I wasn’t subjected to homework and the library. 

As my boyfriend pulled his Range Rover into his usual parking spot I gathered my things. He always picked me up and drove me to school ever since we began dating back when we were juniors. See my parents weren’t rich like his so I didn’t have some fancy car to drive me to and from school for graduation my parents said I could possibly be getting a used car but that wasn’t guaranteed. 

“Baby I have a doctors appointment during the our English class before lunch so I’ll be back by the end of the day to pick you up,” Chad said. 

Chad opened my door for me as always and I got my bag and got out of his car. He closed the car door and took my hand as we walked through the parking to school. 

“Ok. You know I could always catch a ride with Bridget if you don’t want to come back by school,” I suggested. 

“Baby I don’t mind coming to get you. Its fine.” Chad placed a light kiss to my forehead as we entered the hallway.  

Chad walked me to my locker so I could put my things away. We had all of the same classes this year so we were kind of sharing my locker. He had his own but it was a couple hallways over. 

“Here’s some money for lunch incase you eat off campus,” Chad said handing me a twenty dollar bill.  

Ever since I started dating Chad my life changed. He was so sweet and did everything for me. He didn’t care that I was black, poor, and unpopular. And I didn’t care that he was white, rich, and popular. We balanced each other out I liked to think. 

“Thank you babe,” I said. I gave him a kiss and closed my locker. 

Chad and I walked hand and hand down the hallway to our homeroom. We were meeting all of our friends there. All of his friends had become my friends through our dating. No one from his clique ever talked to me before we started dating. 

We walked into homeroom and all of his friends were sitting on top of desks or standing around gossiping. We spilt up so he could go talk to the guys and I could talk to the girls. 

I took a seat at an open desk beside Bridget and Mackenzie. We were like the three musketeers since last year. They were cool girls once I got to know them. I had at first thought they would be stuck up and rude but they were really down to earth. Even though they were cheerleaders. 

 “So you and Chad are still going strong this year I see,” Bridget said. 

“Yeah that’s my guy,” I said blushing. 

“So have you two talked about colleges and what’s going to happen next year?” Mackenzie asked. 

“No the school year just started we have plenty of time to talk about that,” I said. 

“I guess so. So where were you two last night? You didn’t stop by Troy’s.” Bridget questioned. 

“We just hung out at my house. We didn’t feel up to partying,” I said. 

“I bet you didn’t. You two must have been really tried from all the sex you were having,” Mackenzie said. 

These girls had no shame. Chad and I were active but we were safe every time. Since my parents worked long hours just to get by they were hardly ever home at night. And in the mornings they were both asleep and hardly ever saw me until the weekends. For this reason Chad slept over most nights. I loved waking up to him and going to sleep in his arms. It was cheesy but I couldn’t help it I was really in love. Chad had walked into my life during a time that I thought I’d given up on love. 

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