Chapter 5

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

“Alyssa get up baby we have to get to school,” Chad said. 

I was still in my bed in my pajamas. I wasn’t going to school. I wanted to transfer. The principal hadn’t called my parents yet but I knew that was coming once I got to school. My parents were both at work right now but they’d come home to yell at me by sun down. 

“I’m sick I’m not going to school,” I said fake coughing. 

I turned over and hid under my covers. I wanted to just crawl into a hole and die. Why did that tape have to be made? Why did the whole school have to see it?

“You’re not sick I know you’re embarrassed but baby everything will be fine. I’ll smooth everything over,” Chad said. 

“You can’t fix this Chad!” I yelled. 

“Alyssa if anyone gives you shit about the tape just tell me and I’ll take care of it. Baby don’t let this ruin our senior year together.” 

“Its already ruined Chad don’t you get that!” 

I sat up and crossed my arms over my chest. Chad was siting at the edge of my bed waiting for me to get up and get dressed but that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. I had been debating on whether or not to tell Chad that Jake was in fact the ex boyfriend from my past. Chad knew most of the things that happened between Jake and I in the past. He knows only because he’s the one who helped me get passed that awful time in my life. It took everything I had to trust a guy with my heart again and Chad has always proven to be the right guy for me. 

“Alyssa you know I don’t like seeing you hurt. Can you please get dressed so we can go to school and fix this?” Chad asked.

“I’ll get dressed but I need to tell you something first,” I said. 

“Ok what do you need to tell me.” 

“Jake is my ex.” 

“I know you already told me that.” 

“No Chad I mean Jake. My ex Jake is Mr. Preston.” 

Chad took a minute to process what I said then finally it all clicked in his head. “Our English teacher is your crazy psycho ex boyfriend?”

“Yes and he’s only harassing us because he wants me back. That day he drove me home when your car was set on fire he told me I needed to break up with you or things would get worse.”

“Alyssa why didn’t you say something then. You should have told the cops. We need to call the cops.” 

“We can’t. I have no proof it would be my word over Jake’s.” 

“Get dressed so we can go. We’re telling the principal then the cops about this guy.” 

I got up and grabbed some cloths and went into the bathroom so we could get to school. Chad just stayed seated on my bed waiting. I was hoping that telling Chad could somehow fix this situation. But I knew deep down Jake wasn’t going anywhere. One thing about Jake was that he was a people person. He could make anyone believe anything that came out of his mouth. 

When Chad and I got to school kids in the parking lot were staring and giggling as we walked by. I felt so self-conscious. I had chose to wear a pair of jeans, a plain t-shirt, and a hoodie. The hoodie belonged to Chad. 

“You all could get a life and quit staring like you have no manners!” Chad shouted. He took my hand and we kept walking to the school building. 

Uncommon Circumstances (Interracial Young Adult Suspenseful Romance)Where stories live. Discover now